Pityriasis Rosea- Treatment in Ayurveda
Pityriasis rosea is a relatively common self-limited dermatosis characterized by salmon-colored oval patches with a peripheral thin scale. These are classically distributed over the trunk in a “christmas tree” pattern. Persons aged 10 to 35 years are most frequently affected. A viral etiology has been suspected but never substantiated. 80% of cases begin with a ‘herald patch’ which consists of a single, sharply defined, scaling red plague, usually 2 to 6 cm across. Today we will read about pityriasis rosea in brief.

It is a common self-limited dermatosis characterized by oval patches presented on proximal extremities and trunk. It is also known as roseola annulata, herpes tonsurans maculosus and pityriasis circinata. Days or weeks later a generalized eruption occurs, usually on the trunk or extremities, along the lines of flexural cleavage. Individual lesions appear as round or oval, salmon-colored patches less than 2 cm across with a collarette of fine cigarette paper- like scale. The long axis of the oval is oriented along lines of cleavage so that the lesions on the trunk may appear to fall in a fir tree pattern. Successive crops of lesions develop until spontaneous resolution occurs in 2 to 14 weeks. Hands, feet, and face are rarely affected except in children.
The exact etiology is known. It may be caused by viral infection (herpes virus). It is not contagious.
- Herald patch present on trunk, extremities, face, chest, abdomen, and back
- Fatigue
- Sore throat
- Flu like symptoms
- Headache
- Anorexia
- Fever
- Nausea
- Disturbed sleep
- Physical examination
- Medical history
Ayurvedic overview
In ayurveda it is correlated with mandala kustha which is one of the types of kustha. Kustha is defined as various skin disorders. All types of kustha are caused by tridosha, hence the treatment is given according to predominance or otherwise of doshas knowing from the respective symptoms. The dosha characteristic symptom of which is present excessively should be pacified first, thereafter the associated one should be treated.
श्वेतं रक्तं स्थिरं स्त्यानं स्निग्धमुत्सन्नमण्डलं। कृच्छ मन्योन्यसंसक्तं कुष्ठं मंडलमुच्यते।। (च. चि. 7/16)
According to the above shloka:- White, red, stable, extensive, unctuous, with raised patches and joined with each other is mandala kushtha which is hardly curable.
The three doshas being vitiated affect the skin, blood, and lymph, thus these seven are the pathogenic materials for skin disorders. No leprosy or other skin disorder is caused by a single dosha.
Causes of mandala kustha
- Habitually take incompatible food items and liquids
- Unctuous and heavy substances
- Suppress the natural urges particularly of vomiting
- Exposed to physical exercise and intense heat after eating excessively
- Apply cold water immediately after intensive exposure to sun
- Exertion and fear
- Take food during indigestion and when previous meal is not properly digested
- Use contraindicated items while undergoing panchakarma therapy
- Use excessively new cereals, curd, fish, salt and sour substances
- Sexual intercourse during indigestion
- Sleep regularly in day
In ayurveda it can be well managed with ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulations. Planet Ayurveda a leading ayurvedic manufacturing company has lots of formulations for the management of Kushtha out of which some we will mention below.
Herbal remedies for pityriasis rosea by Planet ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a manufacturing company of various herbal medicines. They followed all the principles of ancient ayurvedic textbooks from the last 20 years. All the medicines are GMP certified and free from preservatives, chemicals, yeast, additives, etc. these products are 100% pure, natural and effective in the human body. They have no side effects and are safe for the human body. Planet ayurveda provide herbal remedies for pityriasis rosea rosea which are following
Product List
- Kaishore Guggul
- Khadirarisht
- Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula
- Neem Capsules
- Recumin Gel
- Pitta Balance

1. Kaishore guggul
It is a herbal tablets made from amalaki (emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (terminalia bellirica), guggul (Commiphora mukul), guduchi (tinospora cordifolia) etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and heavy, unctuous and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas. It is also an immuno-modulator, an antioxidant, a rejuvenator and a restorative tonic. It is healer of wounds, antibacterial, antifungal and antipyretic. It is a booster for all physiological systems of the body. It helps in healing the ulcers. It is effective in burning micturation. It helps to protect from diseases and also keeps away manifestations of premature old age.
DOSE:- 2 Tablet twice daily
2. Khadirarisht
It is a classical ayurvedic product made from khadira twaka (acacia catechu), devdaru (cedrus deodara), bakuchi beej (psoralea corylifolia), etc. It is a blood purifier and provides glowing skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties along with antioxidants and antimicrobials. It helps in detoxifying the toxins of the body and cleanses all the channels of the body. It is astringent which helps in pacifying pitta disorder in the body. It is praised for its extraordinary healing properties. It is digestive, carminative and laxative in nature. It stimulates liver functions, corrects metabolism, kills intestinal worms and has a tonic effect. It contains rejuvenating properties.
DOSE:– 2 Tsp twice daily
3. Gleaming skin, hair, nails formula
It is a polyherbal capsule containing manjistha (rubia cordifolia), pit papda (fumaria officinalis), Ghrit kumari (aloe barbadensis), etc. It is astringent, antiseptic, carminative, digestive and a hemostatic agent. It is at the same time bitter, astringent and sweet in taste and heavy, dry and hot in effect but it is a pacifier of kapha and pitta. It improves the complexion, a booster of the hemopoietic system and a blood purifier and a detoxifier. It helps in recurrent skin infections and other diseases of dermatology like pigmentation anomalies and leucoderma. It helps to gain luster and glow to the skin and aids to remove pimples, freckles and discoloration. It is also indicated in pimples, boils urticaria, eczema and psoriasis.
DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily
4. Neem Capsules
It is a single herbal capsule containing neem ( azadirachta indica). It is bitter and astringent in taste. It is light and cold in effect. It is always kapha and pitta but aggravates vata. It contains calcium, potassium, tannin, alkaloids and iron. It is an antipyretic, an anthelmintic and a blood purifier. It is used in a wide range of skin disorders. It is carminative, antibacterial and anti-diabetic. It helps in relief from itching. It is indicated in fever, acidity, piles and liver diseases, alopecia and certain fungal and viral afflictions. It treats the hair fall, premature graying, lice infestation, dandruff and other scalp infections. It is indicated in acne, pimples and skin infections.
DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily
5. Recumin Gel
It is a gel formed from curcumin, Azadirachta indica leaves, Azadirachta indica bark, jasminum officinale etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste. It is light, dry and cold in effect. It is always kapha and pitta but aggravates vata. It contains calcium, potassium, tannin, alkaloids and iron. It helps in blood formation. It is an antipyretic, an anthelmintic and a blood purifier. It is effective in sprains, wounds and inflamed joints.It is carminative, antibacterial and anti-diabetic. It helps in relief from itching. It treats the hair fall, premature graying, lice infestation, dandruff and other scalp infections. It is indicated in acne, blemishes, burns, autoimmune disorders and liver diseases.
DOSE:- To be Applied locally
6. Pitta Balance
It is polyherbal capsules containing kaharava pishti (natural calcium compounds), Akik pishti (natural calcium compounds), Guduchi satva (tinospora cordifolia) etc. It is bitter and astringent in taste and heavy, unctuous and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas. It contains glycosides, fatty acids, alkaloids, and volatile oils. It is also an immuno-modulator, an antioxidant, a rejuvenator and a restorative tonic. It is healer of wounds, antibacterial, antifungal and antipyretic. It is useful in malfunctioning of the liver,urinary tract ailments and sexual diseases.It helps in healing the ulcers. It is effective in burning and urination. It gives excellent results as an antioxidant and herbal rasayan.
DOSE:- 1 Capsule twice daily
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604
In ayurveda we can manage this mandala kustha by various kinds of herbs like curcuma longa, manjistha, neem, aloe vera, amla, haritaki, khadir (acacia catechu) etc. There are a lot of herbal medicines for this disease like khadirarishta, neem capsules, neem decoction, kaishore guggul, recumin gel etc. They all improve the skin texture and complexion. They help in fade the scars and rashes or patches. They all are blood detoxifiers which reduce the toxin level in the blood and promote healthy and glowing skin.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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