ABSTRACT Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a pain in the sacroiliac joint and abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint. A Joint is a place which comes between the bones, joints include soft tissues around them such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments. There are three types of joints- Fibrous, cartilaginous and synovial joints. Functionally, there are 3 different joints: immovable, slightly movable,…
ABSTRACT Myotonic Dystrophy is a complex disorder that affects many organs in the body. 1 out of 8000 people worldwide has Myotonic Dystrophy. Symptoms usually show up in the early 20s and 30s, but can happen at any age. Myotonic Dystrophy is the most common type of Muscular Dystrophy. The condition of the person gets worse over time and may…
Abstract Disc herniation is one of the most common degenerative spine disorders diagnosed with abnormalities of the lumbar spine. It affects two to three percent of the population worldwide. The ratio is higher among the adult population. In the initial stages, it includes lumbalgia and then progresses to sciatica. Symptoms are seen in the early stage of the disease which…
Abstract Human body is composed of a mesh of nerves running all around the body. Sciatic nerve is one of them. Sciatica nerve is the largest nerve in the body which is formed by the union of five nerves emerging from the lower segment of spine. Its route runs deeply through buttocks, back of the thigh and all the way…
Abstract Meralgia paresthetica is the condition of the outer thigh. Thigh contains several muscles, as Quadriceps and hamstrings help to bend and extend knee and hip. Adductors muscle moves the legs inward and towards each other, pectineus and sartorius rotate thighs at hip joint. They bear most of the body weight and provide balance.The thigh muscles are skeletal muscles attach…
Abstract Whiplash injury is an injury of the neck when the neck is moved forcefully, rapidly in a back and forth direction. It is named so because it mimics the cracking of a whip. Usually the cause of such injury is rear end accidents of cars. Other causes of Whiplash injury can be physical abuse, accidents while playing a sport,…
ABSTRACT Nervous system is the prime system of the body that governs the conveying, analysing, processing, and transmitting the motor and sensory sensations of the body. The brain, spinal cord and nerves are primarily involved in this system. The nerves are responsible for carrying the environmental sensation to the brain and spinal cord, and then carrying the response from the…
Abstract Imagine A Life With Abnormal Functioning Of Fingers. Everything Will Be Messed Up While Doing Any Activity Such As Eating, Writing Or Anything. Fingers Are Involved In Each Task. They Help Us In Gripping The Thing To Make Its Use. The Article You Are Reading Is Because Of Your Fingers Which Scrolled You Here. So, We Can Consider Fingers…
Abstract ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) Tear results from leg twist or overstretching of the knee joint. Also, it is a common sports injury, if you are an athlete you are at high risk of an ACL tear. Doctors usually recommend surgery in case of an ACL tear. The article discusses the ACL Tear, the reasons and symptoms of an ACL…
It is like, when your back is hurting like anything or you are unable to get up from the couch! In inflammatory conditions like Sciatic Nerve Pain, our primary mode of treatment is use of painkillers. Barely there is a person who is unaware about the adverse effects of painkillers. Though certain natural things available in your kitchen can be…