Abstract Male reproductive system is a complex system containing a number of organs. Prostate being an important gland of the reproductive system helps making of the semen. Prostate releases an enzyme which further converts testosterone into dihydrotesterone (DHT). This is an important hormone required for the development of secondary sex characteristics in males. Oftentimes, the prostate gland, with age, becomes…
ABSTRACT In males, the prostate gland is the major site of medical problems. The largest accessory sex gland of males is muscular-glycular and secretes alkaline fluid, which constitutes 20–30% of seminal fluid. Prostate problems increase more rapidly with age. In fact, in young males, prostate cancer is diagnosed at high rates. It might be due to lifestyle and other environmental…
ABSTRACT The prostate is the small gland of the male reproductive system and helps ejaculate the semen (whitish grey) colour fluid from Penis. This whitish-grey colour fluid contains various enzymes, zinc and Citric acid which help in nourishing the sperm cells and lubricating the urethra. The prostate has 5 lobes- Anterior, Posterior, 2 lateral lobes and 1 lobe on the…
ABSTRACT In past few decades it is observed that around 55% of patients above the age of 50yrs are facing problems related to prostate gland. Due to more protein and toxins in regular diet prostatitis is common. It has been noticed if patients have a past history of any problem related to uric acid those people are more likely to…
Abstract Prostate enlargement is a small walnut shaped gland about the size of 30 gms, this gland is present beneath the penis and the rectum, and if seen in lateral view it is located between the bladder, penis and urethra runs in between the prostate gland to the penis that allows the urine to pass out of the bladder. Prostatic…
Abstract Prostate is an important gland in males body. Prostate is a complex whose functioning is to produce the fluid that is responsible for the nourishment and transportation of sperm and this fluid is called seminal fluid. In old age, or due to certain types of conditions like early onset of diabetes or cancer is responsible for overgrowth of the…
ABSTRACT Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and prostatitis are the chronic and long term ailments which affect the men and are usually considered as difficult to treat. This difficulty in treatment is due to lack of sufficient understanding of this condition. It causes urinary trouble, pain, sexual dysfunction and reduction in quality of life. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and prostatitis are…
Abstract Prostate gland is an organ, which is part of the male reproductive system. Male urethra, located near the bladder is wrapped around this gland. In this article, we will learn all about this organ, diseases which commonly affect it and organic herbs that can help in maintaining a healthy Prostate gland naturally. Introduction Prostate is a gland of walnut…
Annoying trips to the bathroom once or twice a night may be the first indication of the enlarged prostate gland. An enlarged prostate is the result of abnormal multiplication of prostate cells due to which size of the gland increases. It is commonly known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. This problem can decrease the quality of life for a man. What…
Abstract Enlarged Prostate Gland occurs when size of prostate increases beyond its normal size! As man ages there are many chances that man can develop hypertrophy of prostate which is known as BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) and how to decrease PSA? Is common question among sufferer!! It is a condition which affects men after the age of 40 to 50…