Ayurvedic Management Of Prostate Enlargement
Prostate enlargement is a small walnut shaped gland about the size of 30 gms, this gland is present beneath the penis and the rectum, and if seen in lateral view it is located between the bladder, penis and urethra runs in between the prostate gland to the penis that allows the urine to pass out of the bladder. Prostatic enlargement, also referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia, is a condition in which the prostate gland gets enlarged and is not the malignant condition. Prostate grows two times as a man ages, first one at the time of puberty, at that time its size just doubles, and the second time after 25. Benign prostatic hyperplasia usually occurs after the second phase of growth. When the prostate enlarges, it presses the urethra that ultimately leads to losing the ability of emptying the bladder fully and eventually the bladder starts to weaken with time. In this article we are going to discuss the features and ayurvedic management of enlarged prostate.
Benign prostate enlargement is the medical term that is used to describe the abnormal growth of prostatic cells that directly affects the ability to urinate. This condition is very common in aged men after 50 years of age, it is not a malignant condition and does not cause any serious threat to life. Prostate gland plays a crucial role in fertility but is not essential for life , its primary and most common function is to add the prostatic fluid in the seminal fluid. Its fluid consists of some essential enzymes, zinc and citric acid which helps to make the seminal fluid thin and so helps the sperm to freely move up to the egg. Another function of the prostate is to close the opening between the bladder and urethra, ultimately it stops regurgitation of semen into the bladder. Prostate loads with the enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase that converts testosterone hormone into dihydrotestosterone and this hormone is very important for the secondary sexual characteristics to grow like facial or chest hair etc.
Causes Of Prostate Enlargement
Cause is usually unknown, but it is connected with age and some hormonal changes that are linked with age.
- Man produces testosterone and a small amount of oestrogen, as the man ages old the level of testosterone decreases in the blood which leaves a higher proportion of oestrogen that can result in the growth of prostate cells.
- Older men continue to drop the testosterone levels in the blood and keep producing the dihydrotestosterone that starts to accumulate in the prostate, which may result in growth of prostatic cells.
Symptoms Of Prostate Enlargement
In some patients symptoms may vary from mild to moderate. Some of these symptoms are-
- When the prostate becomes enlarged it directly puts pressure on the urethra that ultimately leads to difficulty in urination, a frequent sensation to pass the urine and feel difficulty in emptying the bladder.
- Weak and thin urine stream.
- Increased urgency to urinate.
- Urine passes in small amounts.
- Pain felt during micturition or after ejaculation. In the penis, scrotum or in between the penis and scrotum.
- Mild symptoms may not need any type of treatment but when the symptoms start bothering you then must take a consultation from a good Ayurvedic practitioner to get effective results.
Management Of Prostate Enlargement
This condition should not be ignored because it can land into some serious health issues like disturbance in sexual life, urinary tract infections, bladder stones and may lead to kidney diseases. In Ayurveda, this condition is considered under the ashtheela, it is the one type of 10 mutraghat rogas. This condition is caused by aggravated Vata dosha due to the increased intake of dry and cold food, excessive fasting, excessive exercise etc. A healthy lifestyle or nutrient rich diet must be given to the patient to help in preventing this condition.
Ayurvedic Formulation Of Prostate Enlargement
Some herbal remedies that can help in this condition are –
- Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) – This herb is Vata-pitta shamak, and sheeta in nature acts on the mutravaha srotas roga and is diuretic in nature.
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) – This herb helps to reduce the growth of unwanted cells and is diuretic in nature, it helps to maintain the urinary tract infections.
- Pashanbheda (Bergenia ligulata) – This herb is tridosha shamak, anti- inflammatory and has good healing properties.
- Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) – This herb pacifies pitta, and is anti- inflammatory in nature with diuretic properties.
- Varun (Crataeva nurvala) – This herb is very useful in aggravated kapha-vata dosha, pittashamak and has shothahara properties.
These all herbs are mutra virechneeya in nature and helps to pacify the vata dosha and alters the kapha-pitta dosha. These herbs have diuretic properties.
Some classical formulations that helps the patient to recover from this diseases are –
- Chitrakadi Ghrita – It is a very effective digestive medicine consisting of Chitraka, vyosh etc that all are very helpful in urinary tract infections and directly gives results on the inflammations.
- Vidari Ghrit – This classical formulation consists of vidari, erand, punarnava, devdaru etc, these all herbs are great diuretics, balances all the three doshas and effectively works on the urinary tract system.
- Varunadi Ghrita – It is useful in the urine related diseases, its major ingredients are Varuna, sairyaka, bilwa, brihati, these herbs are specifically indicated in mutra vaha srotas vyadhi.
- Kanchnaar Guggul – This formulation is specifically indicated in hyperplasia conditions and used in pitta aggravated conditions.
- Gokshuraadi Guggulu – This herb is having great properties to maintain a healthy urinary tract, is diuretic in nature, helps in kidney related disorders.
- Punarnavasava – This formulation has antispasmodic properties, anti-inflammatory in nature, helps to cure infections related to the urinary system.
Yoga Asanas
There are many beneficial yoga asanas that can give many beneficial results in enlarged prostate. Some common yoga asanas that help the patients to get relief from the BPH are Vajrasana, siddha asana, baddha konasana, gomukhasana, paschimottanasana etc.
This condition is not cancerous and commonly occurs after the 50 years of age in males. This is a benign condition that occurs due to the vata dosha aggravation and is considered under the mutra vaha srotas dushti. Early management of BPH can help us to get relief earlier from the symptoms. You must have taken some dietary changes, take less alcohol, caffeine, or other cold drinks and exercise regularly.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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