ABSTRACT The human body needs the energy to do any work whether it is physical work or mental work. The human body consumes energy for every process or work like exercise, walking, talking and many more. The only source of energy they use comes from the food they consume. Apart from eating food, digestion is also important because digested food…
ABSTRACT Duodenal ulcers develop when the mucosa on the exterior of the duodenum is damaged. Peptic ulcer disease, which affects the stomach and initial section of the duodenum, causes these ulcers. The inner lining of the GI tract becomes disrupted in peptic ulcer disease (PUD) as a result of pepsin or gastric acid release. It passes through the muscularis propria…
ABSTRACT Our sedentary lifestyle and spicy food habits are the main cause for most of the digestion related disorders. Long term usage of spices can have chronic effects on our stomach lining and physiology. Gastritis is an acute condition in which a patient feels a burning sensation near the stomach and xiphoid. This symptom is also called heartburn in common…
ABSTRACT A Genitourinary-vaginal fistula occurs between the vagina or uterus (part of the female reproductive system) and the organs of the urinary system. The term genitourinary refers to your genitals and urinary system. Genitourinary vaginal fistula also includes: Ureterovaginal fistula between the vagina and the ureter, which conveys pee or urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Urethro-vaginal fistula between…
ABSTRACT A tunnel-like opening that forms in the vaginal wall is known as a vaginal fistula. The vulva (outside female genitalia) and cervix, the opening of your uterus, are connected by a muscular tube called the vagina. A vaginal fistula connects the vagina to a digestive or urinary system organ. Tissue damage leads to a hole developing in your vaginal…
ABSTRACT Potomac Horse Fever is a seasonal disease and acute enterotyphlocolitis of horses caused by infection with monocytotropic rickettsia, Neorickettsia risticii, formerly called Ehrlichia risticii. In simple terms, we can say that colitis or diarrhoea is caused by Neorickettsia risticii. Geographically restricted to a limited area in North America. Neorickettsia risticii is a gramme-negative coccus. Now we will discuss PHF…
ABSTRACT It is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that leads to abnormal reactions of the immune system which results in inflammation and ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine. According to Ayurveda, there is an aggravation of pitta dosha, which affects the rakta and mamsa of the colon and causes pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, edema, and mucous accumulation….
ABSTRACT Small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the bacterial population in the small intestines. Small intestines or small bowel is an organ in the gastrointestinal tract where absorption of nutrients takes place. It is 18 feet long and is longer than large intestines hence known as small intestines due to its narrower diameter. It…
Abstract To know about Chylous Ascites (CA) we need to know about ascites, so ascites is a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within your abdomen. Chylous Ascites is a rarest form of ascites in which there is leakage of lipid rich lymph into the peritoneal cavity. It usually occurs due to trauma that causes rupture of the lymphatics…
Abstract Are you aware that a number of diseases and health issues start in your stomach, intestines, and colon are all parts of the gastrointestinal system? It suggests that there is hope for a better life and more well-being if you maintain a healthy gut. Ayurvedic philosophy holds that what you digest, not what you consume, determines who you are….