Best Ancient Herbs And Remedies For Restoring Healthy Prostate
Male reproductive system is a complex system containing a number of organs. Prostate being an important gland of the reproductive system helps making of the semen. Prostate releases an enzyme which further converts testosterone into dihydrotesterone (DHT). This is an important hormone required for the development of secondary sex characteristics in males. Oftentimes, the prostate gland, with age, becomes enlarged and prone to prostatitis and cancer. In the text below, we shall discuss prostate’s adverse conditions and ayurvedic remedies to overcome them and make the prostate healthy.

Prostate is an accessory male reproductive organ that secretes enzymes and helps maintain an ideal condition for the sperms to live continuously throughout the journey of the fertilization. One of the main ailments of the prostate gland in the benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is the progressive hyperplasia (enlargement) of the prostate gland that is due to the increase in the number and size of the stromal tissue and epithelial cells. Another condition of the prostate is inflammation of the prostate that could be due to infection. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in males that occurs when attention is not given to the early symptoms of the unwell prostate gland.
Causes of Prostate Ailments
The exact cause of BPH is unknown. But studies suggest estradiol levels can have some relation with prostate size. With advancing age levels of estrogenic steroids do not decrease as compared to testosterone. This causes stimulation of the prostate gland and results in BPH. Another theory is the neoplastic that says proliferation of prostate elements: muscular, fibrous and glandular that results in fibroadenoma. The most common lobe of the prostate that is affected is the median lobe.
These changes in the prostate lead to some clinical features such as elongated and compressed urethra, generally seen in the enlargement of the median lobe.
Risk Factors
- Age after 40 years
- Family history
- Consumption of animal fat
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking
- Diabetes mellitus
- Alcohol consumption
Clinical Signs
- Reduced flow of urine
- Frequent urgency to pass urine
- Difficulty in initiating urination
- Urine dribbling at the end
- Improper emptying of the bladder
- Frequent infection of the urinary tract
- Painful micturition
- Nocturia
- Incontinence
- Ultrasound
- PSA (Prostate specific antigen)
- Digital rectal examination
- Uroflowmetry
- Prostate biopsy
- CT urogram
- Cystoscopy
Management of Prostatomegaly And Other Conditions Of The Prostate Gland
- Alpha-1A and alpha-1D adrenoceptor – tamsulosin
- 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride
- Procedures like laser surgery, Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), Steam therapy and BipolEP.
- Antibiotics, analgesics, NSAIDS and prostate massage for prostatitis.
- Prostate cancer management includes surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy.
Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda, the prostate gland is known as Paurush Granthi. With advancing age the vata and kapha dosha vitiation imbalances blood (rakta), mamsa (muscular), mutra and male hormones. Furthermore, it disrupts shukrvaha and mutravaha channels. This pathogenesis results in abnormal functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems in the males. Management includes balancing the vitiated doshas and whereas targeting the symptoms is also of utmost importance. Herbs including kanchnaar, guggul, varun, punarnava, bhumi amla, saralghan, chandan and others are of great help in the management of prostate related problems. Under mentioned, Planet Ayurveda’s Prostate Care pack is a perfect pack for a healthy prostate.
Ayurvedic Management
Planet Ayurveda is a leading ayurvedic company that is treating serious and complicated cases and also a manufacturing unit of herbal formulations. Products of Planet Ayurveda are trustworthy and made up of authentic herbs and in accordance with the ayurvedic formulary texts. Planet Ayurveda comes up with its Prostate care pack that is a combo of ayurvedic formulations that are essential for prostate related problems and establishment of healthy stature of the prostate gland.
- Shilajit Capsules
- Tribulus Power
- Varunadi vati
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Prostate Support Tablets

1. Shilajit Capsules
Shilajit capsules contain cent percent pure exudate of shilajit. The functions and benefits of Shilajit are world famous. Shilajit possesses properties that boosts testosterone levels and fights infection and reduces inflammation. This makes Shilajit a perfect substance that can be useful in all the ill conditions associated with prostate. Shilajit works as a rasayan (rejuvenator). Being a rasayan, it possesses rejuvenation actions thus promoting well-being of the prostate gland.
Dosage: One capsule twice daily with warm water.
2. Tribulus Power
Tribulus Power capsules are filled with the goodness of Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Gokshura is known to be of cleansing properties, including promotion of healthy male reproductive functions. It also alleviates the symptoms associated with BPH such as painful and burning sensation during micturition. It also pacifies vata dosha whose vitiation results in the problematic urination. Furthermore, it helps enhance vigour and vitality. It reduces weakness and promotes healthy functioning of the male reproductive system.
Dosage: Two capsules twice daily with warm water.
3. Varunadi Vati
Varunadi vati is composed of Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and others. All the ingredients of the tablet have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, analgesic and bladder cleansing properties. Therefore, these tablets are a perfect remedy to treat all the conditions of the prostate from prostatitis to prostate cancer.
Dosage: Two tablets twice daily with warm water
4. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar Guggul is composed of kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala), guggul (Commiphora mukul) and other various herbs. Kanchnaar Guggul is one of the widely used formulations to check the abnormal growth of the cells and tissues. Therefore, this is a mandatory herbal remedial tablet for prostatomegaly.
Dosage: Two tablets twice daily with warm water.
5. Prostate Support
Prostate Support tablets are a blend of herbs including punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), saralghan (Pinus roxburghii) and various others. As the name suggests, these are essential tablets in the maintenance of a healthy prostate. They work by strengthening the prostate glands and have anti-inflammatory properties and have diuretic effects. This helps in the symptoms associated with prostate deformity by correcting inflammation and enlarged size.
Dosage: Two tablets twice daily with warm water.
As we discussed, the prostate being an important accessory reproductive organ that helps in healthy movement of sperm gets enlarged with advancing age and results in prostatomegaly and causes a number of symptoms. If not corrected in time, it can change into cancer. Therefore, early detection and proper care is required. In modern medicine, tamsulosin and dutasteride are given to check the growth of the prostate. But as soon as medicines are stopped the size again starts increasing. Whereas, ayurvedic medicines resolve the root cause of the problem thus stopping the enlargement of the gland indefinitely, however, dietary maintenance is required. Henceforth, the Prostate Care pack is a must remedy for the healthy functioning of the prostate glands.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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