Effective Ayurvedic Weight Loss Tips And Diet Plan For Obesity
Obesity is a medical condition where body fat accumulates in excess so that it may have adverse effects on health. Being obese or over weight can reduce life expectancy and increased health problems. Obesity may be the reason for various health ailments such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disorders, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea etc therefore weight loss diet plan is a must to fight obesity.

It is recommended to have a diet plan that minimizes starches, added sugars, meat and dairy foods.
- Stay away from white products. if you avoid eating anything that is white you will be safe and will not put on weight. Bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta and fried food with breading. Cut down with sugar intake in all beverages and food items.
- Try eating small amount of food. You can have 4 small meals throughout the day which should include all necessary nutrients like Egg whites with one whole egg, Black beans, Spinach, Asparagus, Peas, carrot, turnip, cabbage, cucumber, etc which keeps bowels clean and provide energy.
- Eat plenty of salad and fruits rather than finger chips, pizza, burger etc. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories. Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.
- Drink hot water throughout the day instead of cold water as hot water eliminates fats from vessels and helps you to lose weight naturally where cold water cant. Lukewarm water mixed with one tsp honey and half of lemon empty stomach every morning is highly recommended in weight loss. Water helps to throw toxins out from the body and therefore prevent from various ailments.
- Stick to fruits rather than junk food. Eat lot of fresh fruits, fruit juices like Parsley juice to flush out toxins out but take care that in some conditions like kidney failure, citrus fruits are prohibited. Bottle gourd juice is very healthy drink. It keeps stomach full for so many hours and gives zero fat. Cranberry juice also helps to lose weight naturally from body as it is rich in vitamin C and contains strong antioxidant.
- One can have habit of consuming butter milk mixed with water and roasted cumin seeds and onion pieces.
- Avoid drinking tea, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol.
- Fasting is needed. If possible once a week should be a fasting day in your diet plan so that metabolism gets corrects by its own which is responsible for weight loss. Constipation is the root cause for all problems in ayurveda and it occurs when person has low digestive fire. Fasting helps in balancing digestive fire and corrects the metabolism naturally.
- Exercise regularly along with weight loss diet plan, Exercise must be a part of daily routine. One should go for morning walk for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Work out is needed to keep body active and lose weight by burning calories.
- Vrikshamala
- Chitraka
- Mustak
- Katuki
- Agnimantha
- Arjuna
- Amalaki
- Haritaki
- Babhitaki
- Babool
- Guggul
- Neem
- Vidanga
- Daalchini
- Bramhi
- Shigru
- Jambu
“Thinner You Pack” by Planet Ayurveda has formulated its own herbal remedies with the use of above said herbs – Trim support capsules, Garcinia capsules, Guggul capsules and Stholyantak churna which all together help to fight obesity and provide beautiful shape.

1. Trim Support Capsules
It is an effective herbal formulation that contains various weight lose natural herbs and known for its fat burning qualities. It has vrikshamala, mustak, katuki and triphala in it. Trim support contains pure natural herbs and no chemicals and preservatives are added to it. Though it is alone well enough to lose weight but we have combines it with other herbal formulations also for quicker results.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water half an hour after meals.
2. Stholyantak churna
It is a herbal formulation which is a blend of many weight loss pure natural herbs known well for burning fats without any side effect. Herbs used here are agnimantha, triphala, arjuna, chitraka, babool etc. It also helps in normalizing lipid profile and cholesterol level in the body. This powder is recommended to have with other weight loss formulations for better results. It makes a wonderful weight lose supplement.
Dosage – 1 tsp, twice daily with warm water after meals. Its decoction can also be prepared by mixing 1 tsp of the powder in a glass of water and boiling it to one-fourth the quantity.
3. Garcinia Capsules
Garcinia is a fruit that is native to south India and well known for its weight loss actions when used by obese or overweight people. With other weight loss herbal supplements, garcinia is also very popular to lose and burn extra fat from the body.
Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily with warm water half an hour after meals.
4. Guggul capsules
It is another weight loss product used worldwide due to its fat burning and weight mobilizing properties. It is an effective weight loss supplement for inch loss that removes fat from waist. Guggulosterones, active fat burning components present in guggul burns fat rapidly and helps to control obesity.
Dosage – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water half an hour after meals.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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