Amazing Health Benefits of Tulsi (Occimum Sanctum)
TuIsi is also known as ‘Holy basil’ a perennial plant which is cultivated throughout the Asia, for traditional and medicinal purposes. It is an aromatic herb which grows up to 30-75 cm in height. Leaves of this tree may be of (Sweta) greenish white or (Krishna) greenish black in color. On the basis of leaves, tulsi is categorized into two varieties. But the shweta tulsi possesses more qualities and effectiveness than krishna variety. Tulsi is also famous for its spiritual importance.
Tulsi has the potency to pacify Vata-Kapha dosha and viral infections. Tulsi belongs to the Lamiaceae family.
(Reference – Bhava prakasha nighantu / Pushpa varga / Shloka no. 62)
Synonyms of tulsi as described in our classics are – Sursa (good taste), gramya (easily available in every home), sulbha, bahumanjari, gouri, apetraksasi and bhootghani (auspicious effects), devdundubhi (affectionate to God).
(Reference – Bhava prakasha nighantu / Pushpa varga / shloka no. 63)
- Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent) and Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna (Quality) – Ruksha (Dryness), Laghu (Lightness)
- Virya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot in potency)
- Vipaka (End product of digestion) – Katu taste is an end product of digestion.
- Prabhava (Special effect) – Kapha vataghanam (pacify Kapha and Vata dosha), and pitta vardhaka (aggravates pitta dosha in our body).
- Karma (Action) – Dipna (Increases agni), kaphanisaraka (expectorant), sweda jannana (produces sweating), krimighana (anti – bacterial), durgandhanashak (destroys bad smell), hridya (cardiac tonic)
Tulsi contains volatile oils. For medicinal purpose tulsi leaves and seeds are used.
- Treats Kapha and Vata diseases.
- Effective in productive Cough.
- Allergic Rhinitis (running nose)
- In all viral fevers, it is helpful
- As it is an agni dipana herb, it helps in treating Liver disorders.
- It is also diuretic, hence beneficial in all the Urinary tract disorders, especially in renal calculi.
- It has anti – bacterial properties and effective in wound healing.
- As an antibacterial, it helps in treating all Skin disorders.
- It is a cardiac tonic hence effective in Cardio vascular disorders.
- Fight against Infections as it is an anti- microbial herb
- It is beneficial in eradicating refractive errors.
- Tulsi possesses krimighana property, hence effective in worm infestation.
- This herb is also beneficial in correcting menstrual irregularities.
- Tulsi also helps to boost immunity.
- Overall tulsi is a tonic for the body as well as mind because it helps to pacify physical ailments along with psychological ones.
Some Home Remedies
Tulsi is easily available in every home, so we can utilize these benefits just in simple ways.
1. Immunity Booster
Eating five leaves of tulsi daily helps to boost immunity, also prevent recurrent infections
2. Infections
- Oral cavity infections and mouth ulcers can be treated by using decoctions of tulsi, or simply you can chew a few leaves of tulsi.
- Skin infections – Washing the skin with the decoction of tulsi and neem is very beneficial in skin lesions. Even you can apply the paste or concentrated liquid of tulsi over skin infections. Tulsi has antimicrobial and anti –viral properties. It helps to reduce itching.
- Fever – Tulsi root decoction or taking Tulsi leaves, Adrak (ginger) and Mulathi (licorice root) along with Madhu (honey) is helpful in treating viral fevers.
- Menstrual cycle – Tulsi helps to normalize the irregular menstrual cycle, even effective in pre-menstrual syndrome.
- Throat problems or in cough, we can take tulsi leaves along with black salt. You can also drink herbal tea by adding tulsi, adrak or kali mirch (black pepper).
- Kidney Stones – Concentrated liquid (Arka) of tulsi along with madhu (honey) is helpful in eliminating renal stones as tulsi is a diuretic.
- In burning eyes condition, we can instill a few drops of tulsi arka or wash the eyes with the decoction of tulsi.
- Hypertension – Juice of 4-5 leaves of tulsi, 2-3 leaves of neem along with water on empty stomach is helpful to reduce high blood pressure.
- Tulsi as a cardiac tonic – Consuming 8-10 leaves of tulsi, 3-4 kali mirch (black pepper) along with 4-5 almonds and with madhu (honey) is beneficial in all cardiac ailments.
- In headache, rhinitis and worm infestation, tulsi is beneficial.
- Juice of tulsi can be used in ear ache.
- Tulsi leaves paste can be applied over insect bites, it helps to remove toxin along with swelling.
- Hair – It helps to pacify Vata Kapha dosha, hence reduces dandruff and scalp infections. You can wash your head with the decoction made up of triphala along with tulsi leaves.
- Tulsi decoction is also used as anupana with other medicines. It will enhance the action of other herbs.
- In the case of indigestion, tulsi leaves decoction is very helpful.
- In pre mature ejaculation, seeds of tulsi are an effective remedy.
- Daily consumption of tulsi leaves help to reduce stress.
- Herbal Tea – Herbal tea is an easy way to consume Tulsi daily. Add a few leaves of tulsi in a glass of water and boil it till water is reduced to 1/3rd part. In the case of upper respiratory tract infections, in this tea you can add pippali (long pepper) and kali Mirchi (Black pepper).
- Those who are unable to get fresh tulsi can substitute it with dry tulsi leaves.
Part to be Used – Tulsi leaves, roots, and seeds can be used.
- Fresh juice of Tulsi can be preferred, the quantity of juice can be taken daily is – 5 to 10 ml
- If consumed in the form of powder then it can be taken approximately 2 to 3 grams.
- If taken in the form of decoction 50 – 100 ml is advisable.
Excessive consumption of tulsi by Pitta predominant individual may produce some side effects. So, they should use it in a limit.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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