5 Reasons to Consume Arjun Tea on Daily Basis
Morning bed tea is the habit of many people. A cup of tea in the morning daily gives us energy. There are many varieties of tea available in the market but these teas are not good for our health, as it contains various dyes and chemicals. When we boil the tea in water it gives black color which represents dye, which is not good for health. Herbal tea is very good for health, as it does not contain any dye and chemicals. Always consume herbal tea to refresh your morning, it boosts up our energy and keeps our mind healthy. The concept of Herbal tea is not new, it is one of the oldest traditions of human civilization to consume herbal teas.
What is Arjun Tea?
Arjun tea is one of the best herbal tea. It is derived from Herb Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna). It keeps our mind, body, and soul healthy. This tea is very good for our heart, kidney, skin, and liver and it keeps our circulatory system healthy. It contains numerous herbs like – Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna), Pipal Tvak (Ficus religiosa), Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa), Chotti Elaichi (Eletteria cardamom) and dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). It is a caffeine-free herbal tea and it contains safe herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine. Arjun tea is useful for almost every health problem.
About Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna)
This is the most famous and valuable herb. Latin name of the plant is Terminalia arjuna. It belongs to Harar – family, Combretaceae. This herb is very useful for the heart and circulatory system and mainly used in Ayurveda to treat heart problems. Although, each and every part of the plant is useful but mainly the reddish bark of the plant is used.
Description of Plant
It is deciduous evergreen tree of about 70-85 feet height. Leaves are conical, from below they are brown and green from above. Bark is usually smooth and grey colored. Flowers are usually yellow in color and appear between March to June. Fruit is 2-3 cm long and has glabrous and fibrous woody and is covered by number of curved veins. Fruit mainly appears between September to November.
Habitat – It is mainly found in tropical regions of the world, mainly India.
It is known by following names
- Hindi name – Arjun
- English name – Arjun tree
- Sanskrit name – Nadisarja, Dhavala, Viraksha, Indradru, Partha, bhuruha, Dhoorta, Veeravruksha
- Kannada name – Holedaasaala, Neer Matti, Holemaththi
- Gujrati name – Sadado
- Bengali name – Arjun Gach
- Telugu name – Tella maddi
- Marathi name – Sadaru
- Tamil name – Neelamarudhu, Poomarudhu
Chemical Composition
It contains – Arjunic acid, Arjunolic acid, Arjunones, Arjunetin, Arjun glycosides 1 and 2, Ellagic acid, Betullinic acid and tannins.
Special Note About This Plant
It has the following special properties
- It is a very good antioxidant for the body and it slows down the age-related changes in the body.
- From ancient times this herb is used in Ayurvedic preparation. Leaves and flowers are used for Ganesh Pooja and Lord Vishnu Pooja on religious occasions. Hence it is one of the most religious trees.
- It helps us to fight stress-induced heart problems.
- It is very good for diabetic patients, as it has a very good effect on insulin hormone.
- It acts as a very good cardiac tonic.
Ancient Verse of Terminalia Arjuna
(Reference – Bhaav Prakash Nighantu, Shlok no. 26 and 27)
Meaning – It states that Arjun, Kukumbh, Inderdru, veervariksh, Dhawal and Veer are various synonyms of Arjuna. Hridya – it is used as a cardiac tonic. Kashaya rasa – it has an astringent taste. Sheet virya – it has cool potency. Medohara – it reduces cholesterol levels. Kshata – it is used to cure chest injuries. Kshayhara – it is useful in chronic respiratory disorders. Prameha – useful in diabetes.
Ayurvedic Properties
This plant possesses the following Ayurvedic properties
- Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (Astringent)
- Guna (physical property) – Laghu, Ruksha (Light, dry)
- Virya (potency) – Sheet (Cold)
- Vipaka (Metabolic property – after digestion) – Katu (Pungent)
Effect on Doshas
It mainly balances Kapha and Pitta dosha.
Ayurvedic References
Charak Samhita – Hridya – herb used for heart problems
- Kashaya Skandha – herbs having astringent taste
- Udarda Prashamana– herbs useful in ringworm infestations and allergic skin conditions
Sushrut Samhita – Nyagrodhadi, Salasaradu
Dosage– It is available as –
- Arjun Bark Powder – 1-3 grams, boiled with water or milk, two or three times daily
- Decoction – 50-100 ml
Reasons to Consume Arjun Tea on a Daily Basis
1. No Chemical, No Preservative
Most of the teas contain chemicals and preservatives which are not good for health but Arjun tea does not contain any chemical or preservative, so it can be consumed on a daily basis.
2. Taste
Its taste is delicious with cardamom and cinnamon flavor. People always like flavored tea like they love to add ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon to the tea, which increases its taste. But in this tea, there is no need for adding these things, as they are already present in it.
3. Caffeine Free/Nicotine Free
Generally, Teas contains caffeine and nicotine which is not good for our health and causes side effects It does not cause any side effect as it is caffeine and nicotine-free so can be consumed on a daily basis.
4. Good for Heart
This tea is very good for our heart muscles as it improves the pumping capacity of the heart. It acts as nature’s boon for a healthy heart. It provides strength to heart muscles as it is packed with various cardiovascular properties. It maintains the blood supply throughout the body and helps in the dilatation of blood vessels. Its regular use is fruitful to alleviate heart problems.
5. Maintains Cholesterol Levels
It helps in maintaining cholesterol levels. It lowers down the LDL levels because LDL is bad cholesterol and it increases the level of HDL which is good cholesterol.
6. In Females
It regulates the hormonal cycle and also helps to support the uterus. It is very useful in menorrhagia conditions in which excessive bleeding occurs during the menstrual cycle. It can also be given in cysts, fibroids, endometriosis and hormonal imbalances.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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