Treatment for Musician’s Dystonia with Ayurveda


Dystonia is referred to as the combination of neurological conditions that are caused due to the involuntary contractions of muscles. These contractions force the body to unnatural and unusual movements and postures that may be painful at times. Dystonia is categorized into 4 different types that are Focal Dystonia, Acquired Dystonia, Functional Dystonia, and Dystonia that affect various parts of the body.

Here, we are going to discuss in detail about the Focal Dystonia, which is commonly known as Musician’s Dystonia. As per the estimates by the researchers, Dystonia is affected around 1% of all the professional musicians but their symptoms remain unnoticed. An interesting fact about this type of Dystonia is, it is described by scientists as a virus that corrupts the sensory-motor programming of the brain leading to the failure of playing Instruments.

Musician’s Dystonia

What is the Musician’s Dystonia?

Like the Dystonia, Musician’s Dystonia is also a neurological motor disorder that affects the muscles involved in playing the musical instruments. It is also termed as Focal Task-Specific Dystonia (FTSD), due to the factors involved. The affected muscles contract, which further interferes with the motor control while playing the musical instruments. As, it does not involve pain, thus, at initial stages, it gets misdiagnosed as bad techniques and improper learning of the instrument.

Musician’s Dystonia and Different Music fields

Focal Dystonia and musical instruments have a very strong connection. The parts that get affected by this disease depend upon its use while playing the instrument. The top three instruments that are found to be involved in Focal Dystonia are Piano, Guitar, and Brass instruments. And, as per the clinical researches and studies till the time, the following are the points showing the affected body part of musicians in different fields:-

  • The right hand of the Pianists, fingers often
  • The left hand of the String Players
  • Hands of the Woodwind Players
  • Mouth corners and Jaw of the Brass players
  • Either hand of Guitarist and Percussionists

Types of Musician’s Dystonia

Basically, the Musician’s / Focal Dystonia has two main types:

Embouchure Dystonia

It affects the mouth, jaw, face, and tongue of the musicians.

Hand Dystonia

It affects the hands, thumbs, and fingers of the musicians. Other than the above types, it is also classified on the basis of symptoms involved, these are:

  • Focal Hand Dystonia
  • Focal Task-Specific Dystonia
  • Occupational Cramp / Dystonia
  • Task-Specific Dystonia

Causes of Musician’s Dystonia

There is no specific factor responsible for the occurrence of Musician’s Dystonia, as it may develop during the learning stage of an individual such as walking, writing, playing instruments, etc. As mentioned above that it is considered as the virus in the brain which corrupts or crashes the sensory-motor nerves responsible for the proper use of body parts while playing musical instruments. Sometimes, heredity may be a cause of Musician’s Dystonia.

Symptoms of Musician’s Dystonia

The signs and symptoms of Musician’s Dystonia depend upon the type and metal of the instrument which the affected individual plays. For example, sometimes musician’s Dystonia may cause problems while playing a wooden piano but not the other metals.

  • Abnormal Twisting or Flexion of the body parts
  • Recurrent movement of the body that seems like a tremor
  • Disability to play on Instruments
  • Stiffness or Locking of the Jaw
  • Abnormalities in the vocal cord
  • Shaking or freezing fingers

Complications of Musician’s Dystonia

The major complication of Musician’s Dystonia is the full stop to the profession. As the majorly affected body parts in this disease are those that are involved in playing the musical instruments. Therefore, the severity of Musician’s Dystonia becomes a cause for the end of the Musician’s profession. Moreover, it may lead to severe depression, reduced confidence level, and other psychological and neurological disorders.

Diagnosis of Musician’s Dystonia

The Musician’s Dystonia gets misdiagnosed mostly, but some of the tests may help in diagnosing it in a better way. These are:

  • Blood tests to find infections, if any
  • Electromyography for monitoring the electrical activity of the muscles
  • AMRI or CT Scan to check for the tumors, if any in the brain

Treatment of Musician’s Dystonia

Physical, Occupational, Voice, and stress management. As the focal Dystonia is related to the neurological system, so the basic prevention and treatment should be related to the maintenance and rejuvenation of a Healthy nervous system. Besides this, the main points to be considered while recommending treatment for Musician’s Dystonia are the Physical, Occupational, and Vocal factors involved.

So, Planet Ayurveda, which is a leading herbal manufacturer and providing the herbal treatment of all the acute and chronic diseases, since years using the ancient Ayurvedic principles and methods also have some herbal supplements which will not only help in reducing the risk of severe Musician’s Dystonia but also will help in maintaining the holistic health.

  1. Brahmi Capsules
  2. Boswellia Curcumin
  3. Yograj Guggul
  4. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras
  5. Rumogin 5 Capsules

Herbal Remedies for Musician’s Dystonia

Herbal Remedies for Musician’s Dystonia

Product Description

1. Brahmi Capsules

Brahmi Capsules from Planet Ayurveda are prepared using the standardized extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is the most potent herb for the brain that efficaciously maintains neurological health. The major functions of Brahmi are hidden in its name, which means the universal consciousness and the one full of nectar. It improves the functioning of the brain, mind, and body, consequently helps in rejuvenating the connections of the motor-sensory nerves. This functioning of Brahmi makes it effective to be used in the treatment of Musician’s Dystonia.

Dosage : 1 Capsule twice a day with normal water, after the meals.

2. Boswellia Curcumin

Boswellia Curcumin Capsules is a perfect blend of the two best and effective herbs as highlighted in its name. One is Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and the other one is Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Both herbs are effectively proven as anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic. This herbal supplement helps in relieving the stiffness of joints and improves the blood circulation in each and every tip of the fingers. It is a good supportive remedy for the treatment of Musician’s Dystonia.

Dosage : 1 Capsule two times a day with plain water, after meals.

3. Yograj Guggul

Yograj Guggul is a classical Ayurvedic formulation that is useful to maintaining joint health. It balances the tridoshas, maintains healthy muscles and joints, thus aids in the treatment of various joint deformities. As the musician’s Dystonia involve the joints as the majorly affected body part, thus, Yograj Guggul can show remarkable results in its treatment.

Dosage : 2 tablets twice daily with normal water, after the meals.

4. Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras

Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras is also a classical herbal formulation that pacifies the vitiated Vata Dosha, hence aids in Vata related disorders such as tremors, paralysis, etc. Its main ingredients are the Calx of some amazing natural herbs like Gold, Silver, Mica, Iron, Coral, Pearl, and Mercury. Aloe vera juice extract is added in this product to give them a form of pills/tablets for convenient intake.

Dosage : 1 Tablet once daily with plain water, after meals.

5. Rumogin 5 Capsules

Rumogin-5 Capsules is a very efficacious mixture of the anti-inflammatory herbs, which makes it effective to be used in the management of joint-related disorders. It contains Haridra (Curcuma longa), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata). Subsequently, these all herbs work together to support the proper functioning of various body parts resulting in combating the symptoms involved in Musician’s Dystonia.

Dosage : 1 Capsule twice a day with normal water, after the meals.


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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.