Living with Obesity and the Required Health Measures


Obesity is a disorder when there is an accumulation of fat in abnormal amounts which results in the onset of many other disorders. This can result from already ongoing disease and pharmacologic treatment. This condition might invite other health problems which can occur at any age due to some hormonal changes, inactive and sedentary lifestyle, genetically, etc. It can be controlled timely by taking necessary steps and being committed to them. Every ailment can be controlled if we put benchmarks on our dietary habits, physical activity, and the importance we give to psychological wellness.



“You must lose some weight!!”, “Why don’t you join a gym or hire a personal trainer!!!”, “You can’t get a decent-looking dress that will fit you”; these are some most common comments an obese person is welcomed with. People need to understand that obesity is not just a cosmetic concern to be looked at; it’s a complex result of socioeconomic, cultural, and genetic influences. Technically speaking, individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of about 30kg/m2 or higher are referred to as obese. According to medical surveys and research, the prevalence of obesity has hiked up to 47.1% among children and 27.5% in adults. (1)

What are the Complications Associated with Obesity?

Individuals with obesity are at higher risk of developing comorbid conditions which ultimately results in reduced earnings, an economic burden on society, and higher healthcare costs. Here we will review the potential complications linked to the obese patient.

  1. Diabetes: The dramatic increase in incidences of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, according to the National Health Survey incidences of diabetes has increased by 41% after 1997. Obesity disturbs the blood sugar levels in our body and the production of insulin as well.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases: Obesity leads to the onset of various cardiovascular disorders like coronary disease, cardiac arrest, and congestive heart failure. Abnormal body weight causes high cholesterol levels and blood pressure which leads to other diseases.
  3. Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT): Deep Venous Thrombosis is prevalent in both men and women both and according to medical reports of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) around 33.8% are obese. There is a sixfold higher risk of development of DVT/PE in women than men.
  4. Osteoarthritis: According to National Medical Surveys, osteoarthritis and obesity are two overlapped conditions in older aged people due to the pressure of increasing body weight on joints.
  5. Depression: Bodyweight develops mood disorders which result in poor self-image, lowered self-esteem, and social isolation. These symptoms are major contributors to depression as obese people feel discriminated against and stereotyped by society. (2)

Quality of Life with People Dealing with Obesity

Obesity can be rectified with a little awareness as weight bias has been an issue on interpersonal relationships, healthcare, and education front.

  • Generally obese are considered lazy, lacking self-discipline, non-competitive and sloppy.
  • They are discriminated against during social and fun activities which often results in low self-acceptance, self-confidence, and poor life quality.
  • Obese people face more rejections on the professional front as compared to a normal person which automatically lowers the quality of life.

Ayurvedic Management of Obesity

According to Ayurvedic principles, Sthaulya or obesity is considered as meda roga. Acharya Charaka has said that the obese person will have pendulous breasts, large hips, and fleshy cheeks. If there is an aggravation of Kapha dosha in body and Meda dhatu is increasing abnormally among other six dhatus. There are several Indian traditional Ayurvedic herbs like Guggul (Terminalia wightii), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Triphala, Babool (Acacia arabica), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), etc. which cut off the bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Required Health Measures for Obesity

There are some of the dietary and lifestyle recommendations which should be followed healthy weight-

  1. Avoid food items rich in carbohydrates like potatoes and rice.
  2. Prefer oatmeal, white bread, and brown rice.
  3. Don’t sit in front of a computer or television for too long.
  4. Learn swimming, biking, etc., and practice them at least 30 minutes a day.
  5. Avoid fatty food, sweets, high fat red meat, beverages, etc.
  6. Take stairs instead of elevators and accelerators whenever possible.
  7. Try adding low-fat dairy products like cheese, plain yogurt, and skim milk to your diet.
  8. Regular workout and exercises

Herbal Remedies for Obesity by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is offering the best herbal combination for obesity i.e. Thinner you pack which contains effective herbs for managing a healthy weight. These formulations have been prepared by high-quality herbal extracts and under the strict supervision of Ayurvedic experts.

Thinner You Pack

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Product Description

1. Guggul Capsules

Guggul capsules is a single herb combination i.e. Guggul (Commiphora mukul) which helps in the breakdown of fatty tissues and suppresses appetite that ultimately results in weight management.

Dosage– 1 capsule two times a day with normal water after meals.

2. Stholyantak Churna

Stholyantak churna is a herbal supplement that contains many Ayurvedic herbs like Babool (Acacia arabica), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Sonth (Zingiber officinalis), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), etc. All these herbs in combination help in flushing out toxins, balancing Tridosha, managing appetite, purifies the blood, and reduces the accumulation of fat in tissues.

Dosage– Prepare a decoction by mixing 1 teaspoonful of powder in one glass of boiling water and reduce the volume up to one-third of the initial volume. Let it cool at room temperature before drinking.

3. Trim Support

Planet Ayurveda’s Trim support contains Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), Triphala, and Vrikshamla (Garcinia cambogia) helps in maintaining metabolism and improves digestion effectively.

Dosage– 1 capsule two times a day after meals.

4. Garcinia Capsules

Garcinia capsules contain pure extracts of Garcinia cambogia which improves the functioning of the liver and accelerates the breakdown of fat which makes it helpful in maintaining a healthy weight.

Dosage– 2 capsules two times a day after meals.


Everyone in this world is unique in its way with a different body shape. Life with obesity is hard in itself and people make it even more difficult by discriminating against them. We should help them with positive affirmations instead of bullying and discriminating against them. They need emotional and moral support; they need you to understand them. Be kind to them, they should be treated with fairness to improve their quality of life.


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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.