Grahani Roga and its co-relations – Management in Ayurveda
Grahani & is anayurvedic name of digestive fire that means Agni which help to digest our food. Acharya Sushruta describes it, it is located between pakvasya and amasya and also known as Shashti pitta Dhara kala. WhenthisAgni is in a calm state or in ayurvedic term known as Manda Agni then body is unable to digest food and leads to Ama dosha (undigested food) condition termed as Grahani roga. Main role of Grahani is to digest food. Grahani roga associated with Agni dosha and unbalanced dosha leads impaired digestive system. Grahani roga is mainly due to three Agni (vishama Agni, tikshna Agni and manda Agni). In Ayurveda there are various techniques to treat Grahani roga like ayurvedic remedies, yogaand change in lifestyle. Nowadays Grahani is the most common disease in most of the country but people don’t know about it. In this article we will discuss Grahani roga and its correlation with ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel diseaseand other modern anomalies.
In modern concepts, no disease or condition is exactly similar to Grahani dosha, but signs and symptoms like, chronic abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal tuberculosis. As such there is no proper correlation between Grahani roga and ulcerative colitis but, it can be co related with khashataja Grahani according to Sidhant nidan. The main symptoms of khashataja Grahani are frequent passing of liquid stools, Mucoid liquid stool and Melena (blood mixed stool) and the symptoms are well connected with ulcerative colitis. In ayurveda a particular term for ulcerative colitis is Rakta Atisara. Grahani roga is correlated with irritable bowel disease. IBS mainly affects the large intestine part of the body and main symptoms are changes in appearance of bowel movement, abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea and gastric problems. Acharya Madhava also describes Ghati yantra Grahani that is correlated with intestinal tuberculosis. In this disease the most commonly affected parts of the intestine are the ileum and cecum.
According to Acharya Charak Grahani roga has four types:
- Vataja Grahani
- Pattiek Grahani
- Kaphaja Grahani
- Sannipataja Grahani
1. Vataja Grahani
Due to imbalance of vata dosha our digestive fire may not work proper and patient feels some of the complication like, difficult digestion, burning abdomen, Dryness of mouth and throat, polydipsia, polyphagia, evacuation of undigested food, diarrhea with vomiting, pain in chest, weakness bitter taste of mouth, pain in anus depression, tinnitus, Tympanitis, pain in neck and other part of body
2. Pattiek Grahani
Increased intake of spicy food and eat more citrus fruits may leads to imbalance pitta dosha in our body and cause patteik Grahaniand patient suffer withanorexia,Polydipsia,burning in chest and throat, Acid refluxes with bad smell ,Yellowish color of patient , Yellowish undigested stool.
3. Kaphaja Grahani
Indulgence in food which is hard to digest, fatty, cold (taken very frequently) and sleeping immediately after mid-day meal enhances Kapha, which sluggish the digestive fire and cause Kapha Grahani Dosha and patient suffer with Painful and delayed digestion, Nausea and Vomiting, Sweet taste of mouth ,Anorexia, Mucoid secretion in mouth , Cough and rhinitis , heaviness of abdomen, loss of libido, weakness, undigested and mucus mixed stool, lassitude, no cachexia but patient is weak
4. Sannipataja Grahani
In this type we found three type of symptoms
Pathophysiology of Grahani roga according to Acharya Charak are
Due to intake of improper diet or unhealthy food our digestive fire may be affected sometimes and don’t digest food properly and after intake of food digestive system are not able to digest food leads to Grahani roga and patients suffer with constipation and diarrhea . In ayurvedic terms Grahani roga is affected by Tridosha (vata, Pitta and Kapha).
Causes of Grahani roga
The following causes are
- Over eating
- not taking proper diet
- stale and spicy food
- unhealthy food
- Eating over indigestion
- Weak digestive system
- Mental disturbance
- disturbed sleeping pattern
- Suppress natural urges
The various symptoms of Grahani roga according to Acharya Charak are:-
- Irregular Bowel Habits
- Evacuation after taking meals
- weakness
- polydipsia
- anorexia
- bitter taste of mouth
- Darkness in front of the eyes
- oedema over extremities
- Pain in bones
- vomiting
- fever
This diseases can be diagnosed by following methods
- Medical history:- ask patient about their diet and other medication
- Colonoscopy :- to examine entire length of colon by small and flexible tube
- GI Endoscopy:- to examine upper gastrointestinal tract by using long flexible tube fitted with camera
- Lactose intolerance test: – to digest food there is an enzyme name Lactase. If this enzyme don’t produce in our body then patient suffer with IBS including abdominal pain , gas, diarrhea
- Stool test :- this test is performed to know about any bacterial or parasitic growth in our body
- Breath test for bacterial overgrowth:- to check bacterial overgrowth
- X ray or CT scan
Grahani roga is correlated with IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease related to the intestine and main symptoms are cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea or constipation or sometimes both.
Complication of IBS
Some of the major complication are
- Weight loss
- Diarrhea at night
- Rectal bleeding
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Unexplained vomiting
- Difficult swallowing
- Persistent pain that isn’t relieved by passing gas or a bowel movements
Causes of IBS
Some of the major causes are
- Muscle contraction in the intestine:-muscle contraction are helpful for movement of food through digestive tract and weak intestinal muscle can slow down the process and leads to dry and hard stool
- Abnormalities in nervous system:- poor signals between brain and intestine leads to changes in digestive process, resulting in pain , diarrhea and constipation
- Severe infection: – IBS develop after a severe bout of diarrhea mainly caused by bacteria or virus.
- Early life stress. People who are more exposed to stressful life especially in childhood tend to have more symptoms.
- Changes in gut microbes:-changes in gut microbes leads to severe IBS
Grahani roga treatment according to Acharya Charak1 Pakavasyasth upchara: the patient should be treated with Virechana. The medicine having Agni deepana properties should be added in the Virechana yoga .When Apkva Ahar rasa is present in all over the body the Langhana and Paachana medicine should be given. After the purification of Amashaya peya prepared with Deepana and Paachana dravyas and panchkol (pippali, Pippalimool, chavya, chitrak, Nagarmotha) should be given to the patient. Snehana (oil therapy), svedana (steam therapy) langhna (Fasting) deepana and pachana (carminative and digestive) sangrahni drugs should be given according to the condition of the patients.
To treat this disease there are some classical ayurvedic formulations:-
- Dugdh vati
- Agnitundi vati
- Chitrakadi vati
- Isabgol churna
- Lavangaadhya churna
- Dadimashtaka churna
- Asthpal ghrit
- Shunthi ghrit
- Chitrak ghrit
- Kalyanaka gurh
- Takra haritaki
- Kshar Gutika
- Pinda asav
- Takrarishta
It is better to take ayurvedic medicines because it has no side effects with best results over the years. Ayurveda treats patients from ancient times and effectively cures them. So the above-mentioned medicines and precautions by Acharya Charak are good to treat Grahani roga. Planet ayurveda did best work over the years and to treat this disease there is an IBS pack. IBS pack provides the best result to treat Grahani roga because it is 100% vegetarian and free from any preservatives and drugs are extracted from pure herbs and plants.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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