Diseases of Horses Affecting the Hock Joint- Bog Spavin, Bone Spavin, and Curb
Musculoskeletal system is the system that provides shape and structure to the body. Musculoskeletal is the system that enables the body to move from one place to another and perform certain activities. The musculoskeletal system is composed of muscle and bones and other structures that joins muscles to muscles, muscles to bones and bones to bones. The musculoskeletal system of the mammals are almost similar and work exactly the same. The hock joint of horses are prone to diseases. In the text, we shall have a look at the diseases related to the hock joint of horses and discuss its management in the contemporary veterinary sciences and the Indian traditional medicinal system of Ayurveda. Let’s get started !!

The hock joint of a horse is a complex yet important joint. The hock joint is also known as tarsal joint. It plays a major part in the power generation that is required to gallop, jump and sit. As it is a vital joint, which makes it prone to both injury and degeneration. In this article we shall discuss bog spavin, bone spavin and curb. These are all the diseases that affect the hock joint. In the later section we shall discuss the above said condition in detail and discuss its ayurveda point of view and also have a look at what Ayurveda has to offer in the same. Let’s see !!
Bog Spavin
Bog Spavin is a term used for the inflammation of the hock joint or the inflammation of the synovial membrane that causes distension of the capsule of the joint that surrounds the hock joint.
The exact cause of bog spavin is unknown but the congenital defects, infections, trauma, degenerative joint disease, poor joint conformation are said to be causes of the emergence of the same.
The observable sign of bog spavin is the swelling on the middle back surface of the tarsal joint and small swellings on either side of the joint.
Management includes the removal of excessive fluid within the joint membrane. Corticosteroid injections are used in such conditions that provide short term relief. Surgery is indicated using an endoscope when the involvement of cartilage and bone or both are obvious and suspected.
Bone Spavin
Bone Spavin is bone arthritis (osteoarthritis). All breeds can be affected. It is a degenerative condition of joint cartilage and bones in the joints that results in gradual loss of cartilage of the joint which eventually results in pain resulting in lameness. There are a number of joints in the in hock and one or more can be involved. The exact cause of the condition is not clearly known but it may be related to improper conformation of the hock, nutritional/mineral imbalance, excessive jarring injury.
Signs include the dragging of the toe and the shortened forward movement of the hoof and decreased action of the hock joint. The heel of the horse may be elongated. Certain activities such as jumping and racing may lead to development of gluteal muscle soreness which is called trochanteric bursitis. The lameness may go away with exercise and may come again after rest.
The diagnosis is based on the history of the horse, x-rays of the affected joint to check the degeneration and abnormality of the joint and related structures.
Corticosteroid injections and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help in alleviating the early signs and symptoms of the disease. Other interventions such as rolling the toe and raising the heels which is a mode of corrective shoeing may help in mild conditions but lameness stays.
Curb is bowing or thickening of the plantar tarsal ligament that runs down the rear of the hock joint. The main cause of Curb is typically strain. The ligament can get thickened and inflamed after slipping, pulling, jumping or falling. This condition is more commonly seen in Standardbreds. Due to poor conformation of the hock makes Standardbreds prone to develop the same. A newly developed curb results in a noticeable lameness and inflammation. The horse eases the limb by elevating the heel. In chronic cases, lameness and pain are rare.
Rest and cold packs are suggested in acute cases. The condition is likely to be self limiting without enduring consequences on execution of the functions.
Ayurvedic aspect and management of Diseases of Hock Joint in Horses
Ayurveda is an Indian traditional medicinal system that uses the herbs naturally grown in the surroundings. Nature has provided us with herbs that have great benefits and medicinal properties. Ayurveda has two objectives, one is treating the diseased person and maintaining the health status of healthy individuals. Further the health benefits of Ayurveda are amazing. In Ayurveda, there is no reference available that suggests the management of the animals‘ diseases but Ayurvedic medicines work for both animals and humans equally. But certain ayurvedic physicians have excelled in the same and they have also mentioned a number of conditions in their texts and literature. They have mentioned the anatomy, physiology, pathology and management of various diseases of animals./
India is a country where some animals are considered as vehicles of Gods and Goddesses. Even some of the animals are worshipped in India. From this the love and affection with animals can be guessed of Indians with their pets and livestock. So taking care of them is obvious and necessary. In addition to this the purpose of humanity is also served when humans love and care for the living beings.
Hock joint diseases of horses can be well correlated with the vitiation of pitta dosha, kapha dosha and vata dosha as well. So the hock joint disease can be correlated with tridoshaja vyadhi (disease caused by vitiation of all three dosha). Pitta dosha causes inflammation of the joint structures, vata dosha leads to the pain and kapha dosha causes deformity of the joint.
Management of the hock joint disease depends on the pacification of these doshas. The important herbs that are useful in the condition are amalaki (Emblica officinlae), asthi shrinkhala (Cissus quadrangularis), haridra (Curcuma longa), praval (Coral), Tila (Sesame seeds), Shigru (Moringa oleifera), Kumari (Aloe barbadensis), Eranda (Ricinus communis), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) etc.
Herbal medicines that are helpful in this condition include Yograj Guggul, Kaishore Guggul, Dashamoola ghrita, Rasnadi churna, Grihadhoomadi churna, Triphala churna, Lakshadi Guggul, Shatavari ghrita, Ashwagandharisht,, Shallaki, Akik pishti, Vata Vidhwansan Rasa etc.
Herbal Remedies by Planet Ayurveda for Diseases of Hock joint in Horses
Planet Ayurveda is an emerging ayurvedic US-FDA registered and ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Planet Ayurveda is working towards spreading the wisdom of Ayurveda globally making people’s life less difficult with herbal medicines and treatment who are suffering various serious ailments. Products of Planet Ayurveda are so pure and herbal and don’t contain any sort of contaminants and adulterants. The herbs used are so pure. The medicines are available in different forms such as vatis (tablets), asava arishta/saar (syrups), capsules, churna (powder). The products of Planet Ayurveda are gluten free and halal certified. Products of Planet Ayurveda are safe for the consumption of animals as well. Planet Ayurveda presents its formulations that are helpful in managing the diseases of hock joints in horses.
List of products by Planet Ayurveda that are useful in managing Diseases of Hock joint in Horses are as follows
Product List
- Yograj Guggul
- Joint Aid Plus
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Ashwagandha Capsules

Product description
Yograj Guggul is one of the main classical products that is of great use in the conditions of the musculoskeletal system. Yograj Guggul contains a number of herbs/resin such as guggul (Commiphora mukul), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), pippali (Piper longum), maricha (Piper nigrum), shunthi (Zingiber officinale) and various others. All these are known to have analgesic properties that alleviates the pain. Further it reduces inflammation of the joints and adjacent structures. Further it also has wound healing and provides strength to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the diseased condition of the hock joint of the horses is manageable with Yograj Guggul very nicely.
Dosage: 6 tab twice daily
Joint Aid Plus capsules, is a product of Planet Ayurveda. As the name of the formulation suggests, it is a very good product for the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and particularly joints. The formulation contains the goodness of herbs such as nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shallaki (Boswellia serrata), guggul (Commiphora mukul), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and sonth (Zingiber officinale). All these herbs possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing properties. The product pacifies all the three doshas. With its various properties, Joint Aid Plus helps in reducing pain, alleviating inflammation and eases the movement of the hock joint. Hence Joint Aid Plus is of great benefit in the disorders of the hock joint in the horses.
Dosage : 4 cap twice daily
Boswellia Curcumin capsules are effective herbal capsules of Planet Ayurveda in the inflammatory conditions. The Boswellia Curcumin capsules contain the goodness shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (Curcum longa). Both the components possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. By alleviating inflammation, Boswellia Curcumin eases movement and pain associated with the hock joint that is affected by a number of conditions. Therefore, Boswellia Curcumin is a product of choice in the management of diseases of the hock joint of the horses.
Dosage: 4 cap twice daily
Ashwagandha capsules of Planet Ayurveda are the purest ones. Capsules contain the pure herbal extract of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha pacifies vata and kapha dosha and also strengthens the body. Ashwagandha acts as a potent anti-inflammatory. It alleviates the pain. With these interesting actions, Ashwagandha capsules alleviates the symptoms as well as manages the diseases of the hock joint of horses very well.
Dosage: 4 cap twice daily
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604
The diseases of the hock joint in the horses are common as they are more prone to get damaged due to injury and extreme usage. Some conditions are seen more in certain breeds such as curb is more seen in the standardbreds. The musculoskeletal system gets easily fatigued due to the overuse of the muscles and joints as horses are generally kept for the horse races and other gaming purposes. As these joints are overused and injuries are quite common that makes the inflammation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons common. Frequent injuries give rise to certain diseases of the hock joint. In the contemporary veterinary sciences, the condition is not so manageable for long term as the corticosteroid injections provide short term relieves whereas the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs do the same. Hence there is no permanent management available in the veterinary sciences. But Ayurveda, with its herbal formulation helps in managing the hock joint diseases of the horses from its root cause and prevents its recurrence. The above-mentioned products of Planet Ayurveda are composed of pure herbs and manage the diseases of hock joints maximally positively and impeccably.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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