Crest Syndrome Symptoms, Causes & Its Ayurvedic Treatment
Crest syndrome is a less severe type of scleroderma also termed as limited scleroderma. It is a disorder of connective tissue and an autoimmune disorder. The term Crest is an acronym which indicates five main clinical features of the disease. This syndrome affects different systems or parts of the body and the clinical features felt by the patient depend upon the affected or damaged organ. In this article, we will read about the Crest syndrome and its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and Ayurvedic management of this condition in brief.

Crest syndrome is a type of systemic sclerosis in which tightening and hardening of the skin occurs. It is also called as limited scleroderma or cutaneous systemic sclerosis. This syndrome has an acronym that characterized by five clinical features that is:-
- Calcinosis:- The tightening and thickening of the skin due to accumulation of calcium in the finger, other organs and skin.
- Raynaud’s Phenomenon:- The narrowing and spasms of the blood vessels that lead to reduced blood flow in the toes and fingers.
- Esophageal dysmotility:- Due to loss of function of muscles which line the oesophagus that cause difficulty in swallowing.
- Sclerodactyly:- Due to collagen accumulation leads to causing tightening and thickening of toe and finger skin.
- Telangiectasia:- Due to dilated capillaries caused red spots present on the palms, lips, face, hands and forearm.
- Parvovirus b19
- Epstein barr virus
- Cytomegalovirus
- Some medications
- Silica dust exposure
- Atypical immune activity
- Tobacco
- Genetic factor
- Exposure to chemicals and several organic solvents
- Persistent cough
- Joint pain
- Dry skin or hardening
- Fatigue
- Skin discoloration
- Heartburn
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Skin swelling
- Heart disease
- Itchy skin
- Arthritis
- Breathlessness
- Kidney dysfunction
- Hair loss
- Contractures
- Voice hoarseness
- Wounds or ulcers present on toes or finger tips
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Bloating
- Neuropathies
- Changes in urinary system
- Fecal incontinence
- Intestinal pseudo obstruction
- Complete blood test
- Serum creatinine level
- Urinalysis
- Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody
- Anti Topoisomerase I (Anti-Scl-70) antibody
- Pulmonary function testing
- Antinuclear antibody (ANA) testing
- Anti centromere (ACA) antibody
- Doppler echocardiography
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Computed tomography
- X-rays
- Magnetic resonance imaging
There is no proper treatment for this condition only given, symptomatic treatment which is described below:-
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Immunosuppressants
- Vasodilators
- Laxatives
- Colchicine and D- penicillamine
- Calcium channel blockers
- Physiotherapy
- Surgical interventions
Ayurvedic Overview
In Ayurveda, we can correlate this disease with imbalance of vata dosha and uttana vatarakta. Because the symptoms of Crest syndrome are closely related to uttana vatarakta so let’s read about the etiology, symptoms and treatment of the combination of vayu and rakta which is like that of fire and wind. The causative factors mentioned below is aggravated vata having been obstructed in its passage by aggravated blood affects the entire blood. This is known as vatarakta.
Causative Factors
- Intake of diet such as salty, sour, pungent, alkaline, fatty, hot and uncooked foods
- Moist or dried food items
- Meat of marshy and aquatic animals
- Intake of radish, horse gram, black gram, curd, vinegars, buttermilk
- Incompatible foods
- Eating during indigestion
- Anger
- Day sleep
- Excessive sexual intercourse
- Suppression of urges
- Excessive traveling
Its seat is hands, feet, fingers and all joints. At first it confirms its root in hands and feet and then spreads over the body.
Samprapti (Pathogenesis)
Due to subtleness and pervasiveness of vayu and liquidity and flowingness of blood it circulates all over the body through blood vessels. Being obstructed in joints due to the zigzag way it gets located there with agitation and in combination with pitta etc. causes respective afflictions. Hence it produces pain mostly in those very joints and as such the patient suffers from respective pain very difficult to tolerate.
Symptoms of uttana (Superficial) vatarakta
- Skin is blackish, red or coppery and is associated with itching, burning sensation, pain, stretching, piercing pain, quivering and contraction.
Saman (Pacifying therapy) chikitsa
- Manjishtadi kashayam
- Manibhadra gulam
- Maharasnadi kashayam
- Kaishore guggulu
- Gandhaka rasayan
- Mahatiktaka ghritam
Shodhana (Purification) chikitsa
- Upanaha (Poultice)
- Swedana (Hot sudation)
- Basti (Enema)
- Lepana (Application of paste)
- Abhyangam (Oil massage)
Home remedies
- Consume lukewarm water
- Consumption of boiled water with kokilaksha (Asteracantha longifolia)
Diet and lifestyle
- Oil massage to the body to pacify vata dosha.
- Do regular exercise and yoga like nadi shuddi pranayama
- Consume light diet
- Avoid food that cause vata imbalance
- Avoid cold environment exposure
Herbal remedies for Crest syndrome by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda prepared various herbal products or medicines for various kinds of diseases. They strictly follow all the principles of Ayurveda given in the classical Ayurvedic books. All medicines are GMP certified and safe to consume. The herbs which are used in preparing medicines are pure, natural and effective for human body diseases. All the preparations are vegetarian and have no side effects. The herbal remedies are free from preservatives, harmful chemicals, yeast or additives. Planet Ayurveda provides herbal remedies for Crest syndrome which is given below:-
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Boswellia+Curcumin
- Gotu kola capsules
- Sanjivani vati
- Gandhak rasayan
- Sinhnaad guggul
- Panchtiktaka ghrit
Herbal Remedies For Crest Syndrome

Product Description
1. Ashwagandha Capsules
It is a single herbal capsule made from ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is astringent, bitter and sweet in taste. It is light, unctuous, and hot in effect. It is referred to as tonic (Balya), rejuvenating (Rasayan) and Potent spermatogenic (Atishukrala ). It has a very good tonic effect on the brain and the nervous system. It has anti inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, mildly sedative and aphrodisiac properties. It regulates hormones and the immune system of the body. It is used in various diseases like emaciation, arthritis, insomnia, impotency, hypertension and low backache. It improves general alertness and prevents all types of weakness and increases stamina and strength of the body. It is useful in chronic fatigue. It helps in improving sleep quality. It is useful in relief from stiffness, pain and inflammation in the joints.
Dose:- 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water.
2. Boswellia+Curcumin
It is a polyherbal capsule containing shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (Curcuma longa). This medicine is bitter and pungent in taste. Its effect is hot, dry, and light. It contains protein, volatile oils, vitamin A, minerals and carbohydrates. It is a known anti bacterial, anti-allergic, diuretic and antioxidant medicine. It alleviates kapha dosha and vata dosha. It acts as digestive, astringent, anti-diabetic and helpful in blood formation. It is used for skin also. It is indicated for pimples, acne, blemishes, burns and liver diseases. It is a natural antibiotic and applied on bruises and cuts. It is used in chronic pruritus and urticaria. It reduces the inflammation because it inhibits cytokines.
Dose:- 2 Capsule twice daily with warm water
3. Gotu Kola Capsules
It is a single herbal capsule made from gotu kola (Centella asiatica). It is bitter in taste. It is light and cold in effect. Its bitter taste pacifies kapha and pitta dosha. It contains vitamin B, C A, dietary fibres, fats, proteins, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, tannins, magnesium, carotenoid, etc. It has anti inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antiulcer, immune enhancer, anti seizures, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, properties. It is a good wound healer. It induces good sleep because it has mild sedative properties. It has rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. It improves stamina and body strength.
Dose:- 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water
4. Sanjivani Vati
It is a herbal tablet made of Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Ginger root (zingiber officinale), Pippali (piper longum), Haritaki (terminalia chebula) etc. It is pungent and bitter in taste and light, unctuous and hot in effect. While pacifying vata and kapha but aggravate pitta. It is carminative, antipyretic, diuretic, digestive, sialagogue, aphrodisiac, blood purifier, and anti-colic. It is also a cardiac stimulant. It brings heat into the body, increases perspiration and stimulates the circulatory system. It is used for anorexia, constipation, upset stomach, piles, gas trouble, allergy, spasms, infection, and nausea. It kills the intestinal worms. It also helps in the digestion of proteins due to the overwhelming presence of an enzyme called protease. It promotes health and ensures overall well being by improving the qualities of living tissues of the body. It soothes sore throat and relieves sinusitis and congestion.
DOSE:- 2 Tablets twice daily with warm water
5. Gandhak Rasayan
It is a herbal tablet made from shuddha gandhak (purified sulphur). It pacifies all the three doshas that are vata, pitta and kapha. It boosts our immunity system. It is a rejuvenator. It is a carminative, digestive and promotes good skin complexion. It decreases the itching and redness of the skin. It helps in relieving the pain. It is an anti-inflammatory that reduces the swelling of joints. It maintains the normal blood glucose level in the body. It fights against various kinds of allergies. It is an immuno modulator and contains antimicrobial properties. It is very useful in urinary infections, skin diseases, and bleeding disorders. It has an anti-aging property.
Dose- 2 Tablets twice daily with warm water
6. Sinhnaad Guggul
It is a herbal tables made from guggul (Commiphora mukul), amla (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), etc. It is sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent in taste and hot in effect. It pacifies all the three dosha (Vata, pitta and kapha). It is dry, sharp, sticky, unctuous, and light in nature. It contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, volatile oil and silicon dioxide. It treats various types of joint problems like osteoarthritis, paralysis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. It helps in reducing swelling, tenderness and pain in the inflamed joints. It has anti lipemic as well as antiinflammatory properties. It is also used in reducing weight. It balances the vata dosha in our body. It is used in chronic acidity, ulcers, jaundice, edema, eye problem, bleeding and epistaxis.
Dose:- 2 Tablets twice daily with warm water
7. Panchtiktaka Ghrit
It is a classical ayurvedic ghrit made from guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), cow ghee, amla (Emblica officinalis), nimba twak (Azadirachta indica), etc. It is sweet in taste and astringent. It is light and cold in effect. It subdues the deranged vata and pitta dosha. It contains potassium, calcium, iron, volatile oils, alkaloids, and tannin. It slightly increases the slimy secretions of the body and also acts as a refurbishing mediator to the body systems. It promotes memory, intelligence, complexion and glow. It is a vitalizing and rejuvenating agent. It is used in epilepsy, fever, insanity, headache, migraine, chemical poisoning, acidity, piles, liver disease, conjunctivitis, alopecia and certain fungal and viral afflictions. It improves blood circulation, chronic sinusitis or allergies. It is a carminative, digestive, antibacterial and anti-diabetic. It is cool, astringent and the healer of wounds.
Dose:- 1 Tsp twice daily with warm water
Crest syndrome is a condition of scleroderma which is less severe. The acronym of crest, contains five clinical features that is Calcinosis, Reynaud’s phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly and Telangiectasia. In Ayurveda we correlate this disorder with vitiated vata and uttana vatarakta in which vata and rakta is vitiated. In ayurveda we can manage the symptoms and increase the quality of life and slow the progression of the disease with herbal medicine like panchtiktaka ghrit, sinhnaad guggul, gandhak rasayan, gotu kola capsules etc along with dietary and lifestyle changes.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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