Neurofibromatosis Syndrome Treatment in Ayurveda

Neurofibromatosis Syndrome: A rare genetic disorder, is a condition that causes defects in the nervous system. Neurofibromatosis Syndrome is a disorder in which, a tumor forms on nerve tissue.

These tumors develop anywhere in your nervous system such as the brain, spinal cord and anywhere in nerves. This disease is identified by dark skin patches and tumors on the nerves. These tumors are usually benign (non-cancerous) but sometimes it converts to malignant (cancerous). The symptoms depend on the types of neurofibroma.

Neurofibromatosis Syndrome

Types of Neurofibromatosis Syndrome

  1. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)
  2. Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2)
  3. Schwannomatosis

1. Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1)

It develops itself at birth or during early childhood. NF1 is characterized by multiple light brown spots in the groin and underarm, when people with NF1 may develop tumors in the brain, on the cranial nerves or spinal cord. It mostly affects the central nervous system. Its complications include optic nerve glioma results in visual loss, scoliosis, and vascular lesions.

2. Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2)

Develops during childhood, or early adulthood. NF2 is less common than NF1, characterized by benign tumors on the nerves of both the ears that transmit sound impulses and signals from the inner ears to the brain. These tumors commonly affect both the left and right, i.e. bilateral auditory nerves are hearing nerves.

3. Schwannomatosis

It is a rare type of neurofibromatosis. It develops on the cranial and spinal nerves. Researcher shows that it is a  genetic disease. This disorder causes chronic pain, and more frequently diagnosed in adults aged 30 or older.

Symptoms  of  Neurofibromatosis

1. Neurofibromatosis 1

  • NF1 Causes flat and brown spots on the skin, which are harmless spots and found commonly in many people, they appear at the time of birth and persist.
  • Neurofibromas i.e bumps under the skin, a benign tumor, which usually is developed under the skin but also grows inside the body. Sometimes, NF1 may involve multiple nerves i.e. plexiform neurofibroma.
  • Freckles (A pale brown spot) in the armpits or in the groin area,  freckling usually appears between the age group of 3-5.
  • Nodules form in the iris of the eyes, which can’t be easily seen by the naked eye but don’t affect the vision.
  • The benign tumor develops on the optic nerve, the tumor usually appears by the age of 3, rarely in late childhood but never seen in adults.
  • Children with NF 1, tend to have a larger head size due to an increase in brain volume.
  • With NF1,  Impaired thinking skills. This symptom is usually mild.

2. Neurofibromatosis 2

NF 2 is not very common. It usually shows the development of benign, slow-growing tumors in both the ears. These tumors grow on the nerve that balances the information from the inner ear to the brain, this condition is called vestibular schwannomas.

 Signs and Symptoms of NF2

  • Pain
  • Facial drop
  • Headache
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Numbness in the legs and arms
  • Vision problems like cataracts
  • Difficulty in balancing the body

3. Schwannomatosis

It is a rare type that affects people over the age of 20 years. In this new fibromatosis, the tumor develops on the skull (cranial nerves) or the spinal nerves but it does not involve in the sound and balancing information. The tumor doesn’t grow on the hearing nerves, so schwannomatosis doesn’t cause hearing loss.

Symptoms of Schwannomatosis

  • Muscles destruction
  • Chronic pain
  • Numbness in various parts of the body.

Causes of Neurofibromatosis Syndrome

People get suffered from neurofibromatosis, which is due to mutations in the genes i.e. genetic defect. There are specific genes involved in a different  type of neurofibromatosis:

Basically, the NF1 gene is located on chromosome 17, produces neurofibromin protein. If a mutation occurs in that gene, uncontrolled cell growth occurs.

NF2 gene is located on chromosome 22,  produces a merlin protein called, merlin or schwannoma, which suppresses tumors. The mutation causes a loss of merlin, leading to uncontrolled cell growth.

Schwannomatosis,  Mutations in the genes both, SMARCB1 and LZTR1.

Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis Syndrome

NF1 and NF2 can be diagnosed by physical examination as well as family history is also important.

Treatment of Neurofibromatosis Syndrome

Treatment of neurofibromatosis in modern medicine cannot be cured, but Planet Ayurveda provides effective herbal remedies for Ayurvedic treatment of neurofibromatosis syndrome. These herbal remedies cure the disease naturally, without any side effects.

Herbal Remedies for Neurofibromatosis Syndrome by Planet Ayurveda

Our Planet Ayurveda doctors and experts provide the best combination of effective herbal remedies such as CRAB CARE PACK for the treatment of neurofibromatosis syndrome. These herbal remedies are prepared by using the best quality natural herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these remedies are 100% pure, and natural. These are free from chemicals, additives, and preservatives. These are safe to use as these carry no side effects.

  1. Ashwagandha Capsules: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day with plain water after meals.
  2. Guggul Capsules: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day with plain water after meals.
  3. Curcumin Capsules: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day with plain water after meals.
  4. Tulsi Capsules: 2 capsules to be taken two times a day with plain water after meals.
  5. Chander Prabha Vati: 2 tablets to be taken three times a day with plain water after meals.
  6. Kanchnaar Guggul: 2 tablets to be taken three times a day with plain water after meals.


Products Description

1. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha capsules are prepared from the pure extract of Withania somnifera, also known as Winter cherry. It is the best known herbal tonic. These capsules help the body to adapt various types of stress and also help in improving the body’s ability to maintain physical efforts. These capsules enhance physical strength and help in the proper nourishment of the cells,  thus, help in maintaining healthy cell growth. Regular use of Ashwagandha capsules brings strength to the whole body.

2. Guggul Capsules

Guggul has the pain reliever quality, that keeps in mind, experts prepared these capsules from the plant extract of Commiphora Mukul. This herb is rich in guggulsterone. These capsules support healthy cell growth and people are relieved from pain.

3. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin Capsules of Planet Ayurveda contain pure herbal extract of standardized curcumin. Curcumin has shown efficacy in treating various ailments. Curcuminoids compound is present in turmeric, which prevents the free radical formation and also neutralizes the existing one.

4. Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi capsules are prepared from the pure extract of the herb Ocimum sanctum. Tulsi or Holy basil leaves originated from India. In India, it has immense health benefits. Tulsi leaves have anti-cancer properties as they prevent the formation of free radicals in the body. It removes toxins from the body. These are a powerful stress buster.

5. Chander Prabha Vati

Chander Prabha Vati has been used in Ayurvedic medicines, since ancient times. It has multiple health benefits and is useful in the treatment of fibroids, cysts, tumors, menorrhagia, etc.  It is used in the disturbed metabolism of Kapha as well as Vata doshas.

6. Kanchnaar Guggul

The main ingredient of Kanchnaar Guggul is taken from the kanchnaar plant’s bark, its botanical name is Bauhinia variegata. Other ingredients in Kanchnaar Guggul are Triphala, Trikatu, considered as detoxifying. Kanchnaar guggul is a very good herb for any outgrowth in the body.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.