Dermatology Treatment for Acne – Do You Really Need It?

It can be challenging to know when it’s time to see an acne specialist. You might feel that it’s just acne, so why bother? Or you might think that your acne isn’t serious enough for a doctor who specializes in skin diseases to see you. The reality is that many individuals with acne may benefit from seeing a dermatologist for the Best Treatment For Acne Scars. Check with your doctor about prescription-strength medications if you have tried over-the-counter (nonprescription) acne products for several weeks and they haven’t helped. You can be helped by a dermatologist. Depending on your age, the type and severity of your acne, and what you are willing to commit to, the treatment regimen is recommended. For example, for several weeks, you may need to wash and apply medicine to the infected skin twice a day. Skin prescriptions and meds that you take by mouth (oral medicine) are likewise utilized in blend. Due to the risk of side effects, treatment options for pregnant women are minimal. Read on to find out why you need to consult a dermatologist for your acne.

What Causes Acne

The human skin has pores that are attached to oil glands underneath the skin. The glands are connected to the pores by follicles. An oily substance called sebum is formed from the glands. Sebum transfers dead skin cells to the skin’s surface through the follicles. A tiny hair grows out of the skin through the follicle. When these follicles get blocked, pimples emerge, and oil accumulates under the skin. Sebum, skin cells and hair could clump together into a plug-like structure.  This plug gets infected with and swelling results from, bacteria. When the plug begins to break down, a pimple starts to form. Propioni bacterium acnes (P. acnes) is the name of the skin-living bacteria that leads to pimple infection. Acne intensity and frequency depend on the bacterial strain.

Acne Scars

Here are some common causes of acne:

  • Androgen and lithium-containing drugs (or cosmetics)
  • Cosmetics that are greasy
  • Hormonal modifications
  • Emotional strain
  • Menstrual cycles in women
  • Dirt
  • Stress
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal factors

How do dermatologists treat acne?

The treatment plan for acne that is right for you depends on several factors, including the kind of acne you have, where the acne on your skin emerges, what treatments have you undergone before, when the breakouts began, age, if the acne left dark spots or scars on your skin, etc. Although a treatment regimen can differ from one patient to the next, it generally follows these guidelines, including for 2 patients who have the same form of acne. For example, whiteheads, blackheads, or both – you can typically apply acne medicine to your skin if you have these breakouts. Best Skin care Treatment can prevent this. Here are some of the common acne treatments:

  • Laser or light therapy: Studies indicate that acne clearance can be improved by laser and light devices. When paired with other acne therapies, this form of treatment works best.
  • Corticosteroid injection: If you have a big, extremely painful and profound acne breakout, you can be injected with a corticosteroid by a dermatologist. The discomfort and the size of the breakout can be easily relieved by this. This procedure, though successful, is reserved for the treatment of a few serious acne breakouts. Side effects can be triggered by using it more than a few times.
  • A balanced diet: Some studies indicate that what you eat will help to give you healthier skin as well. If you think breakouts might be triggered by what you’re eating, be sure to find out what the research suggests.
  • Acne friendly skin care:  You irritate the skin if you scrub your face clean or wash it many times a day. It can lead to breakouts every time you irritate acne-prone skin.

Reasons why early treatment seems to be your most ideal alternative

1. Get faster results from treatment

Regardless of whether you are treating moderate or serious acne, acne treatment takes time. That being said, it takes less time and effort than a combination of breakouts that might involve blackheads, whiteheads, and deep-seated acne cysts to remove a few pimples.

2. Reduce scars

Early acne treatment can prevent acne scars. The more serious the acne is, in general, the more likely it is to scar. Although extreme acne is most likely to leave scars, when picked, mild acne can scar. Treating acne at the first sign can also stop someone from forming a habit of picking their acne, so that the person may never develop acne scars.

3. Prevent waiting spots from creating when skin inflammation clears

When an acne pimple, cyst, or nodule clears, someone who has medium-to-darkly pigmented skin can see a dark spot appear. Best Dermatologist for black Spot term this condition as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation  (PIH). A red patch can be seen by people with light-colored skin where acne once was. For months, these spots may persist. Many consider it worse than the acne itself to have these residual spots.

4. Prevent mild acne from becoming severe

Early treatment can avoid the progression of a few pimples to severe blackheads, whiteheads, and deep, debilitating acne.

5. Avoid years of acne

Acne can start at an early age. Dermatologists now see acne-positive 7-to-12 year-olds. One  can avoid potential breakouts by treating acne early and retaining it under control. That can add up to a large number of years without acne today. Many individuals in their 20s have acne. Acne continues for some people well into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s or 60s.

Treating children

Now children at 12 or even younger kids are having acne. The number of topical products authorized for best acne treatment for children has been extended by the FDA.  Topical benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, and tretinoin are safe in preadolescent children and do not cause increased risks. Consider visiting a paediatric dermatologist if your child has acne. Ask about avoidable medications in kids, proper doses, medication reactions, side effects, and how treatment can influence the growth and development of a child.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.