Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Fibroid


Fibroids are the widely complained of benign tumor in women. Its prevalence not only hinders the reproductive fertility of a female but also affects her overall general health. Despite its high prevalence, and the severe consequences very little is known to people about it. The varied change in the lifestyle and the adherence to sedentary ways have made women vulnerable to many gynecological disorders, uterine fibroid being one of them. Adverse effects of hormonal therapies and surgery, ayurvedic management of diseases has come out to be safer and efficient in its treatment modalities. Classification and treatment modalities in conventional medicine and the recent studies on its Ayurvedic Management is discussed in this article.

Uterine Fibroid


Uterine fibroids (fibromyoma, leiomyomas) are benign  growth of smooth muscle of the uterus taking origin in and outside the myometrium. They are the commonest benign tumors (only less than 0.1% being cancerous or malignant) of the uterus. They are usually unicellular multiple, and can range in size from a few millimetres to massive growths of 20cm diameter and can even be more. Incidence of uterine fibroid in  rural Indian women is 37.65%,  and urban Indian women is 24%Although they are benign (non-cancerous) it comes along with severe morbities The aetiology is idiopathic (not known) in the conventional sciences, but they are considered to be oestrogen and progesterone dependent tumors, very rare  to be seen before menarche, common in reproductive life, and degenerates in size after menopause. Owing to its muscular origin Ayurvedic texts have mentioned it under “granthi”(growth) in “garbhashaya”( uterus). Granthi pertains to glandular or nodular swelling or a growth( just like a joint between bamboo or an amla seed)


Conventional medicine has considered that the causes behind uterine fibroid are either genetic or hormonal. These sites of fibroid are considered to be having more of the receptors for estrogen, progesterone, insulin like growth factor, extracellular matrix etc. This makes these tissues to get over nourishment and hence they outgrow in there number or size.

Ayurveda on the other hand believes three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) get vitiated (due to poor lifestyle) and get deposited over the vulnerable tissues(dhatus-Rakta, Mamsa, Meda).Mainly vata is the Disordered dosha causing a new growth. The rate of increase in size is directly proportional to amount of doshas collected at the site. The size depends more on the activity of vata and not on the size of tissue where it gets deposited (this is just like water bubbles getting formed in water).

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of fibroids are abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), obstructive effects on bladder (frequent urination) or rectum (Constipation), menorrhagia (prolonged bleeding), metrorrhagia (irregular bleeding), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), anemia, malignancy and infertility. The size of tissue where it gets deposited (this is just like water bubbles getting formed in water).


  1. Modern interventions have classified fibroids according to its site of formation such as:
  2. Intramural fibroid (located inside the muscular wall of uterus)
  3. Sub serosal fibroid (located on the outer wall of uterus)
  4. Sub mucosal fibroid (develop in the middle muscular layer)
  5. Pedunculated fibroid (Tumor with the stalk)

Ayurveda on the other hand classified these growths (arbud) on the basis of dosha that is predominant:

  1. Vataj (Stretching nature of pain, blackish colouration of the growth)
  2. Pittaj (hot,red,Suppurative along with Burning and dragging pain)
  3. Kaphaj (Hard,Bigger in size associated with itching)
  4. Medoja (large,soft,glistening appearance,increases with the fat accumulation in body)
  5. Masaj (hard like stone, neither pain nor infection)
  6. Raktaj (associated with swelling in the surrounding tissues)


The imaging test such as:

  1. USG (Ultrasonography)
  2. TVS (Transvaginal ultrasonography)
  3. Pelvic MRI


Modern medicine manages fibroids via:

  1. GnRH antagonist which would further inhibit the action of LH and FSH (cut off the nourishment)
  2. Intrauterine Devices (that will release progesterone)
  3. Contraceptive Pills
  4. Anti- inflammatory pills

Surgical Procedures such as

  1. Hysterectomy (removal of uterus)
  2. Uterine artery embolization (small particles are injected to cut off fibroid’s blood supply)
  3. Endometrial ablation (to introduce current, heat in the uterus to destroy the fibroid).

All these treatment modalities are invasive, accompanied with varied side effects and complications.

Ayurveda has a safer and a more effective approach against fibroids. It makes use of several herbs mentioned in the ancient text to combat the symptoms associated with fibroids and also several detoxification therapies to get rid of the toxins giving rise to fibroids. Planet Ayurveda has made use of the ancient wisdom and has come up with the very effective results against fibroids.

Herbal Remedies for Uterine Fibroid by Planet Ayurveda

Planet ayurveda is a globally emerging herbal manufacturing hub that formulates herbomineral/herbal formulation that are obtained from 100% natural sources with strict adherence to ayurvedic texts and principles. these herbal medications are being made under strict vigilance and guidance of expert ayurvedic physician using ancient time-tested formula.

  1. Chanderprabha Vati
  2. Pradrantak Churna
  3. Female Health Support
  4. Kanchnaar Guggul
  5. Sarotovahi Capsules

Fibroid Care Pack


Products Description

1. Chanderprabha Vati

It is an amazing herbal blend of excellent herbs such as, Amalaki (Emblika officinalis), Choti Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Marich (Piper cubera), Guggul Commiphora mukul) Karpoor (Cinnamomum camphora ), Haridra (Curcuma longa) etc. This medicine has an amazing action over ovaries, and the micturition problem associated with fibroids.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water.

2. Pradrantak Churna

This medicine is a combination of excellent herbs such as Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashoka (Saraca indica), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Arjuna( Terminalia arjuna).this medicine is a slight modification of classical Ayurvedic formula ‘ Pushyanug churna’. The herb Ashoka balances disturbed female hormones. this medicine is very effective against painful, irregular, and excessive bleeding.

Dosage:- 1 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water.

3. Female Health Support

This medicine is a combination of the herbs such as Ashoka (Saraca asoca), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa). This medicine relieves pain associated with menses, regulates menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalances. The herbs in this product works synergistically to control vitiated ‘Vata ‘and Pitta ‘and restore its balance. This formulation strengthens the complete reproductive system.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily with warm water.

4. Kanchnaar Guggul

This formulation consisting of Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata) has seemed to be working very efficiently against uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. It also reduces the size of the tumor due to its cell detoxification property and sustain the normal functioning of female reproductive system.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water.

5. Sarotovahi Capsules

This is a patent polyherbal formulation manufactured by Planet Ayurveda includes various ingredients like shilajit, guggul, haridra, Vidanga, maricha, dalchini or tulsi. These all herbs help to reduce the aggravated Kapha dosha which is mainly responsible to coagulate the body’s micro channels so we use this articulation to cleanse the blockages of the body, give a positive impact on all strotas and maintain the healthy flow of body fluids. This preparation includes natural herbs that help to detoxify the body by reducing the ama dosha and promote the normal functioning of all the strotas through its miraculous anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily with warm water.

Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions

  1. Avoid oily, junk food
  2. Exercise for at least 30 min
  3. Brisk walk for 25 min
  4. Peactise Suryanamaskar
  5. Consume aloe vera juice empty stomach
  6. Oil packs of lukewarm castor can be applied over lower abdomen

Home Remedies

  1. Food recipes rich in walnuts, almonds
  2. Intake of green tea (anti- proliferative, anti-inflammatory, anti- oxidant)
  3. Intake of castle oil
  4. Regular intake of a glass of milk (this prevents the excess estrogen in the body)
  5. Consume 2 to 3 cloves of garlic on daily basis


Fibroids are the comments of gynecological diseases to which modern medicine has very little to treat without its obvious side effects and dreadful invasion. Whereas, Safer, efficient and non-invasion Ayurvedic management has done wonders with its results.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.