Amazing Ayurvedic Tips to Deal with Bed Wetting


Bed wetting is a distressing and widespread condition that can have a large influence on child behavior and also their social and emotional life. It is also difficult for the guardians or parents of the child. It can cause much more serious feelings i.e. feeling of being unlike others, feeling of shame and guilt, lack of hope, lack of optimism, and feeling of helplessness, etc. Detection of bed wetting requires a thorough physical examination, a complete history, and urea analysis.

Bed Wetting

In this article, we can study bed wetting, its possible cause, Ayurvedic concept, and Ayurvedic tips for its management.


The tendency of small children to pass urine during sleep hours in bed is considered normal. But if the problem persists in some individuals even after 5 years of age, then it is considered as a diseased condition known as nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting. Bedwetting is a pediatric problem and can be correlated with “Shayya mutra” in Ayurveda.


Causing factors responsible for bed wetting is:

  • Small capacity of the urinary bladder
  • weakening of bladder muscle
  • Neurological conditions
  • Intestinal worms
  • Delayed milestones
  • Psychological factors (anger, fear, etc)
  • Drinking excessive water
  • Genetic factors

Criteria for Bed Wetting

If an individual passes urine in bed during sleep and the tendency persists after the age of 5 years and this incidence occurs twice a week for 3 months, then it is considered as a bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis.

Ayurvedic Concept

The main cause behind this condition is the suppressing of the urge to urinate during the whole day and such practice for a long time will decrease the strength of the bladder and reduce the strength of bladder muscles. According to Ayurveda, bed wetting is both physiological and psychological condition.

The “Apana Vayu” (a type of Vata controlling urinary tract functions), “Pachak Pitta” (a type of pitta responsible for digestion), “Avalambak Kapha” (Type of Kapha) along with “Tama Guna” (Mental Dosha – dosha collectively regulate the mahovaha strotas i.e. nervous system) and “Mutra vaha strotas” i.e. Urinary system).

Due to long term use of above mentioned Nidana (causative factors), will vitiate these doshas, which further leads to alter the normal functioning of these systems. Such vitiation i.e. Apana Vayu avarna by Kapha Dosha  will lead to loosening of urine holding capacity of the bladder and causes Shayya Mutra i.e. bedwetting..

Amazing Ayurvedic Tips to Deal with Bed wetting

1. Shirodhara

It is a rejuvenating and purifying therapy. It is a Panchakarma procedure in which medicated oil or medicated fluid is poured into the head of the patient. It gives relaxation and maintains the balance of Tama dosha. It enhances the nervous strength which results in bladder tonicity that gradually decreases the bed wetting. Shirodhara is also beneficial to retard action of Nonadrenaline and Adrenaline thus decreasing stress.

2. Abhyangam

Abhyangam is the local message to the bladder with medicated oil. The herbs used in the formulation of medicated oil are Ashwagandha, Balya, etc. It will increase the strength of the bladder muscle.

3. Cinnamon

The bark of cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) is useful in the management of bed wetting. If your child can chew a piece of cinnamon bark regularly, it helps to slow down the tendency of bedwetting.

4. Brahmi/ Guduchi/ Yashtimadhu/ Shankhpushpi

Acharya Charka gives prime significance to these four drugs. Brahmi has neuroprotective properties. Guduchi possesses antioxidant and antistress properties. Yashtimadhu has memory-enhancing effects and anxiolytic properties. Shankhpushpi is having an antidepressant effect. Single or in combination all these herbs are beneficial in the treatment of bed wetting.

5. Bimbi and Marich

Fruit powder of MadhurBimbi (Coccinia indica) and Krushna Maricha (Piper nigrum) are beneficial in the management of bed wetting or Shayya mutra. These two herbs are also in lowering down all the symptoms of the Bed wetting because of its katu rasa, ruksha, Ushnaguna, and Laghu Maricha shows Ama pachana, Mutra Shoshan, Kleda nashana, Agnivardhana actions. Because of Kashay rasa, Sheet veerya, Madhur Bimbi shows Trusnanigrahan and Mutrasansrahana actions.

6. Amla

It is also known as Indian gooseberry. The fruit of amla (Emblica Officinale) is used in the treatment of bed wetting. It is used in the prevention of various infections of the Urinary system.  It helps to regulate urine flow and supply proper strength to the bladder muscles. For better results in bed wetting patients, amla is used with honey and turmeric.

7. Jaggery

Jaggery is beneficial to increase the temperature of the body and provide warmness to the patient-facing with bed wetting. It is the healthier alternative to sugar which is used on a daily basis. It is also a great source of iron and excellent for digestion. For better results mix Jaggery with milk and give this mixture to your child on a regular basis.

8. Shilajit

According to Ayurveda, Shilajit possesses ojovardhaka, pramehagna property and it is also known for its Naimittika rasayana effect. Shilajit also possesses Snigdha, Katu vipaka, Mridu guna, Kshaya rasa, katu, tikta, and Tridosha-shamaka and ushna virya property. Shilajit also have an effect in polyurea and urgency. Thus, also effective in bed wetting.

9. Chandraprabha Vati

Chandraprabha vati is formulated with the help of various herbal ingredients such as Sugar (Shakara), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Kapoor (Cinnamomum camphora), Amla (Emblica Officinale) etc. Chandraprabha vati is beneficial to reduce stress and cause relaxation. It helps in the treatment of various diseases like Urinary tract infection, diabetes, etc. These diseases are the common cause of bed betting.

10. Yoga

Yoga also lowers down the various symptoms of bed wetting. Several asanas such as Konasana, Chakrasana (Standing), Savasana, Sarvangasna, Yog mudra, etc. are beneficial for children. Before commencement of these asanas warm-up program (Suryanamaskar) was given to bed wetting patients for 10 minutes. Yoga is beneficial to improve retention control and also helps to postpone urination by a few minutes.


Thus At the end of this article, we can see that bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is easily treated by several herbs or Ayurvedic formulations. A Panchkarma therapy (Shirodhara) plays an important role in the management of this disease. Herbal remedies are pure, safe, and effective with no or very few side effects. Ayurvedic medicines are used to target the major cause of bed wetting or Shayya mutra.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.