Liver Cirrhosis Ayurvedic Treatment And Herbal Medicine


The liver is an essential organ, performing hundreds of functions necessary to sustain life. It’s also a gland because it makes proteins and hormones that other parts of the body need. The liver performs many functions such as detoxification, blood purification, carbohydrate metabolism, bile production etc. The liver filters the blood by removing toxins and waste, but when the person consumes too many toxins such as alcohol consumption, exposure to toxins or pesticides, it can cause liver disease and fatty liver which may eventually lead to cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver. There is no need to say that till date, no definite therapy is available in western system of medicine for the management of terminal diseases like cirrhosis of the liver. Ayurvedic treatment seems to be very specific including pitta pacifying therapy and purificatory therapy. These measures mentioned in classics are also focused in this study which provide management in a natural way with no adverse effects. In This Article, we will discuss various Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Concepts in detail.

Liver Cirrhosis


Liver cirrhosis is an end stage of liver disease and its incidences are rising worldwide. It is the condition in which the normal tissues of the liver are replaced by the scar tissues (fibrosis) in response to chronic liver injury. Liver cirrhosis is irreversible scarring and damage of the liver due to chronic liver injury that stops the liver functioning and potentially leading to failure of the liver. Healthy tissue is replaced by areas of liver fibrosis and regenerative nodules, which alters the normal structure of the liver. The risk of liver cirrhosis in alcoholic patients increases exponentially. Having a family history of liver disease can also increase your risk.

Stages Of Liver Cirrhosis

  • Liver Cirrhosis Stage 1: Inflammation – when the liver is not able to remove the toxin out of our body, the body reacts to toxic imbalance with the inflammation, thus causing hepatitis. The area around the liver will become tender to touch or will heat up. The damage at this stage is reversible.
  • Liver Cirrhosis Stage 2: Scarring – When inflammation is ongoing, the liver attempts to repair itself by scarring. This is how fibrosis develops.  Scarred tissue does not do the work of healthy tissue, so the more scarring there is the less efficient your liver becomes. Scar tissue can block or limit the blood flow within the liver, thus starving and killing the healthy liver cell. This causes more scar in the liver. Unlike healthy liver cells, scar tissue cannot function or repair itself. Fibrosis in the moderate stage does not cause any symptoms. Due to a lack of symptoms, many people live with liver damage, or fibrosis, without being diagnosed until they have symptoms of cirrhosis. Fibrosis can be reversed if detected early enough.
  • Liver Cirrhosis Stage 3: Cirrhosis – In liver cirrhosis the liver is severely scarred and cannot heal itself. The process of fibrosis progressing to cirrhosis happens over a long period of time. At this stage the patient begins to feel discomfort, tenderness in the area, loss of appetite, fatigue etc. Area around the liver can become itchy and patients start developing jaundice.
  • Liver Cirrhosis Stage 4: Liver Failure or End-stage liver disease (ESLD) – This is the final stage of liver cirrhosis. It can take years for the liver to reach this stage, when the liver stops functioning completely. There are two types of liver failure.
    1. Acute liver failure – This happens very fast, this is usually the reaction to large toxic load like poisoning or drug overdose. Sometimes, it is due to severe viral infection.
    2. Chronic liver failure – It is the end stage of chronic liver disease. It develops when the damage has finally become irreversible.


Cirrhosis is usually a result of liver damage. Any chronic liver disease that causes chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis. The most common causes include

  1. Alcohol consumption over a long period of time.
  2. Chronic hepatitis C infection
  3. Chronic hepatitis B infection
  4. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
  5. Autoimmune hepatitis
  6. Obesity


  1. Jaundice
  2. Upper abdominal pain
  3. Ascites
  4. Spider like blood vessel on the skin
  5. Itchy skin
  6. Swelling in hand, feet and face
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Nausea and vomiting
  9. Exhaustion
  10. Fatigue

Some Complication Caused By Liver Cirrhosis

Loss of liver function affects the body in many ways. Some common problems associated with liver cirrhosis are as follow

  1. Gallstones – When cirrhosis prevents bile from reaching the gallbladder, gallstones may develop.
  2. Portal hypertension – Scar tissue in the liver can cause high blood pressure in the portal vein.
  3. Liver cancer – Hepato cellular carcinoma usually develops in patients with underlying liver cirrhosis.
  4. Hepatic encephalopathy – Impairment of brain functions due to toxins that the liver can’t remove.
  5. Hepatorenal failure – In response to liver failure blood vessels in the kidney get narrowed and constricted, which reduces blood flow to the kidneys. This impair the kidney functions and cause renal failure.
  6. Variceal bleeding – blood flow through the liver is obstructed, thus increases the pressure inside the portal vein. This leads to variceal bleeding.


The following can help in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis

Physical Exam

  1. Spider angioma – Blood vessel formation on the skin of the chest, back and face in the shape of a spider.
  2. Redness on the palms of the hands.
  3. Ascites – Accumulation of fluid in abdomen.
  4. Palpation or percussion – Palpable left lobe of the liver in the epigastrium.
  5. Splenomegaly

Laboratory Tests

  1. Blood count – Platelet count <150,000
  2. Albumin < 3.5 mg/dL
  3. Liver enzyme testing – An aspartate transaminase (AST) to alanine transaminase (ALT) ratio greater than 1
  4. International normalized ratio (INR) – > 1.2
  5. Bilirubin > 1.5 mg/dL

Imaging Findings

  1. Abdominal ultrasound
  2. CT scan
  3. MRI

Liver Biopsy


Lifestyle Changes

  1. Avoiding alcohol or limiting alcohol consumption.
  2. Eat a healthy diet with more protein and calories.
  3. Regular exercise.


  1. Diuretics
  2. Prescription creams: Ease skin itching.
  3. Antivirals
  4. Beta- blocker

Liver Transplant

Liver transplant replaces a diseased liver with a healthy one from a deceased donor or part of a liver from a living donor.

Ayurvedic Concept

There is no direct correlation of liver cirrhosis in ayurvedic texts, but it has similarities in symptoms with Yakrddalyudara (enlargement of liver). According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of four basics- the dosha, dhatu, mala and agni. An imbalanced dosha leads to poor health and disease. These imbalances in the body doshas are due to etiological factors such as lifestyle and eating habits of a person.

The description of the liver can be found in vedas and ayurvedic text. Liver can be referred to as Yakrit as per Ayurvedic classics. In ayurveda yakrit is considered as an important anga. The main function of yakrit  is to change rasa dhatu to rakta dhatu. yakrit vikaras (Liver disorders) are dealt with Udara roga (abdominal disease). In ayurveda 8 types of udar rogas (abdominal disease) are described, Vatodara (Accumulation of flatus), Pittodara (Hepatic causes), Kaphodara (Renal causes), Sannipatodara (exudative causes), Pleehodara (enlargement of spleen), Yakrddalyudara (enlargement of liver), Baddhodara (Intestinal obstruction), Kshatodara  (Intestinal perforation) , and Jalodara (Ascites-Fluid in peritoneal cavity). Yakrddalyudara (enlargement of liver) has been mentioned as one type of udara roga there and most of the signs and symptoms of Cirrhosis of liver are found in the classical rupa (symptoms) of Yakrddalyudara.If yakrddalyudara is not managed on time it will lead to jalodara (Ascites-Fluid in peritoneal cavity). In ayurvedic texts it is mentioned that all types of  Udara roga (abdominal disease) will lead to Jalodara (Ascites-Fluid in peritoneal cavity), if not managed early. Ascitis developing as a complication of hepatic cirrhosis is identified as Jalodara (Fluid in peritoneal cavity)

Ayurvedic Sign And Symptoms Of Liver Cirrhosis

  1. Daurbalya (Weakness)
  2. Aruchi (Anorexia)
  3. Vipaka (Indigestion)
  4. Chardi (Vomiting)
  5. Agni nasha (Loss of power of digestion)
  6. Enlargement of liver
  7. Shayva aruna udara (Redness or discolouration of the abdomen)
  8. Anga marda (Malaise)
  9. Anaha (Immobility of the wind in abdomen)

Ayurvedic Pathophysiology Of Liver cirrhosis

The yakrit vridhi  (enlargement of liver)  is a pathological process by vitiation of doshas (i.e vata, pitta and kapha), decreased agni (digestive fire), production of ama(toxin or undigested metabolic waste), obstruction of srotas(channels) and altered the properties of dosha, dhatu. Excess consumption of alcohol increases pitta due to its agneya guna and reduces apa (jal) dhatu and vitiated vata to reduce the size of liver mass. Excess pitta vridhi ahara and alcohol increases the pitta level and decreases the kapha (water content) in liver , hence causing the dryness and degeneration of liver thus damaging the liver architecture.  Dry atmosphere in the liver is helpful for further vata vitiation. Vitiated vata further damages the parenchyma of the liver, which further leads to liver cirrhosis.

Prevention Steps

1. Lifestyle Management

  • Limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption
  • Regular exercise
  • Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B
  • Get regular liver health screenings

2. Diet Plan

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Limit the salt intake
  • Avoid sugary beverages
  • Fresh fruits like Apples, Oranges, and Berries
  • Vegetables like Broccoli and Spinach Bottle Gourd, Round Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Pumpkin, Boiled Carrot
  • Fenugreek Leaves, Mint Leaves
  • Cooked Peas, Boiled Beetroot
  • Soaked overnight Almonds

According to Ayurveda, it is better to not take Sour (Amla), Salty (Lavan), and Pungent (Katu) ras pradhan ahara (food).

3. Exercise

  • Walking 1000 steps in day
  • Resistance training
  • Stretching your muscles 2-3 days/week
  • Yoga poses like Ardha Matsyendrasan (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose), Bharadvajasana (seated spinal twist yoga pose), Pranayama (breath control), Kapalabhati (skull shining breath), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Liver Cirrhosis

The treatment technique includes Ayurvedic herbs, treatment therapies, practicing yoga asanas, and dietary modifications.Ayurvedic medicine for cirrhosis may include some of the well-known herbs, such as Bhringraj, Katuki, Papaya seed etc. Ayurvedic treatment therapies such as Panchakarma are suggested according to the diagnosed doshas imbalance. It not only helps detoxify the impurities but also ensures a boost in the immune system.

Panchkarma Therapies For Liver Cirrhosis

दोषातिमात्रोपचयात्‌ स्रोतोमागेनिरोधनात्‌ । संमवत्युद्रं॑तस्मान्नित्यमेव  विरेचयेत्‌ ।। ६१ ॥

  1. Snehan – Snehana with Chandanadi  taila for pruritus and burning sensation on skin. Snehana pacifies excess doshas, loosen toxins, improves circulation, enhances flexibility, and promotes a sense of relaxation.
  2. Swedana – Palash seed, rasna decoction can be used in parisheka swedana. Swedana helps in reestablishing the balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in the body and detoxification of the body.
  3. Vamana – Vamana can correct metabolic error.
  4. Virechana – Udara roga is originated by excessive accumulation of doshas and obstruction in passage of channels hence nitya virechana can be advocated.

Herbal Remedies For Liver Cirrhosis By Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified Company provides the best blend of effective herbal remedies such as Liver Care Pack for the treatment of liver cirrhosis. These herbal medicines are prepared from using the best quality of herbs and by strictly following the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100 percent pure, vegetarian and natural. These are free from any chemicals, preservatives and additives. These are safe to use as they don`t have any side effects.

  1. Yakrit Plihantak Churna
  2. Phyllanthus Niruri
  3. Indian Echinacea Capsules
  4. Liver Detox Capsules
Liver Care Pack

Product Description

1. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

Yakrit Plihantak Churna is an herbal powder formulation. It is formulated by 8 herbs, Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) and other herbal drugs. Yakrit Plihantak Churna is formulated to support and sustain the health of the hepatic system (liver). Yakrit Plihantak Churna is believed to have detoxifying properties and may aid in the elimination of toxins from the liver. These herbs have katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) ras (taste), which helps in balancing kapha and pitta dosha in our body. According to ayurvedic classical texts these herbs act as pitta sarak and do yakrit uttejan.

Dosage – You can take the powder 1 teaspoonful in 400 ml water, and boil it, keep it boiling until it remains 50 ml. After that, strain it and drink the water. Do it twice daily. Make it fresh every time you use it.

2. Phyllanthus Niruri

Phyllanthus Niruri is a single herbal capsule formulation prepared using standardised extract of Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri). It has laxative properties and is used as a liver stimulant. Bhumi amla is katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) in taste and it has a cool potency. It is rochani, drishti daha vinashini, pitasara, etc.  It removes all the malas from the body. This herbal medicine assists in supporting good hepatic health.

Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.

3. Indian Echinacea Capsules

The Indian Echinacea capsules are prepared with the pure extracts of kalmegh(Andrographis Paniculata) herb. This herb is known as the king of bitter in classical ayurvedic has tikta (bitter) ras and hot potency,  thus works on vitiated kapha and pitta dosha. According ayurvedic classical texts kalmegh is yakrit uttejaka, pittasarak etc. It supports a healthy body by maintaining the immune system and supporting overall health.

Dosage – 2 capsules twice daily after meals with warm water.

4. Liver Detox Capsules

Liver detox capsules are prepared with 9 herbs, Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Makoy (Solanum nigrum) etc. Liver Detox Formula is an ayurvedic formulation that helps to maintain the proper level of hormones in the liver. It helps clean and strengthen the liver, thus helping to remove toxins from the body.

Dosage – Take 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with water, after meals.


In this article I have concluded about Cirrhosis of liver. In this article we discussed the causes, symptoms, stages and treatment of Cirrhosis of liver. We discussed the Ayurvedic overview of Cirrhosis of Liver. In Ayurveda distension of abdomen (Udara vrddhi) caused by the functional derangement of liver (Yakrtia Pradusti) is known as Yakrddalyudara (enlargement of liver). Modern medical science has no specific treatment for this disease and most of the procedures are only symptomatic. But the Ancient Ayurvedic treatment seems to be very specific including normal pitta pacifying therapy along with highly specific purificatory therapy like bloodletting and purgation therapy. In this article, analytical review of liver disorders and its management in Ayurveda has been evaluated

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.