Ayurvedic Treatment of Pyloric Stenosis
The main metabolism of food takes place in the stomach and small intestine. There are four parts of the stomach namely cardia, fundus body and antrum. The cardia is the part of the stomach which connects stomach with the esophagus, fundus is rounded area next to the cardia, then the body is the largest part of the stomach that is continued with an antrum which opens up into the first part of small intestine i.e., duodenum. There is a muscular part known as pylorus between the lowest part of the stomach and the initial part of the intestine. Pylorus acts as a sphincter that opens up and closes during digestion. Due to some anatomical or some other causes, obstruction in the pyloric part of the stomach, resulting in the diseased condition of pyloric stenosis. In this article we are going to discuss the clinical features, causes, and best possible Ayurvedic treatment.
Pyloric stenosis is the condition characterized by thickening of the pylorus part of the stomach that prevents the food from entering the small intestine. This condition primarily affects the children less than 6 months of age. This disease is four times more significant in boys than in girls. Pyloric stenosis leads to persistent forceful vomiting after feeding, weight loss, dehydration and the babies usually seem hungry all the time.
Sign and Symptom
The clinical features of this condition are usually not present since birth but gradually develop and become noticeable within 3-5 weeks of the age. Few general features of pyloric stenosis include forceful vomiting i.e., projectile after feeding is the main clinical manifestation of disease. This intense vomiting episode was followed by persistent hunger, dehydration, stomach contractions with colic pain, altered bowel movements and weight loss. The vomitus can sometimes be presented with blood with associated belching.
The exact cause of pyloric stenosis is still not well understood, but it is believed that a multifactorial trait is involved in this disease’s formations that include both hereditary and environmental factors. These factors collectively either lead to anatomical narrowing (mostly congenital) or sometimes functional (acquired) hypertrophy of the muscles involved in the pyloric sphincter, that lead to the obstruction of the pyloric sphincter causing pyloric stenosis.
Ayurvedic Aspect
In this phrase, due to various causative factors (anatomical or other) the vitiated doshas predominantly with vata and kapha. This vitiation will lead to agnimandya (weakened digestive fire), and amoutpati (formation of endotoxins), which leads to the vitiation of microchannels associated with food carrying channels (in this case hypertrophy or hyperplasia of muscular cells of pylorus), that leads in the obstruction and generate reflux in upper stomach which leads to the forceful expelling out of undigested food due to vitiated vata. This expulsion of the vomitus is known as chardi and it involves the disturbance or pressure changes in the marmas (vital points) which results in colic pain and other associated symptoms as present in pyloric stenosis.
Planet Ayurveda is a leading herbal manufacture that is providing the treatment for various chronic and acute disease globally with strict adherence to ayurvedic texts and principles. The products made here are obtained form 100% natural sources and are processed and formulated with the help of ancient time-tested formulas. This manufacturing of herbal formulations is being guided and supervised by the team of experts led by a group of experienced ayurvedic physicians.
Herbal remedies as suggested by Planet Ayurveda’s experts for the treatment of Pyloric stenosis:
- Chanderprabha Vati
- Pitta Balance
- Arogyavardhini Vati
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Digestion Support
Product Description
1. Chanderprabha vati
This is the polyherbal classical formulation that is available in tablet form. Ingredients include Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Karpur (Cinnamomum camphora), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), and yavakshar (alkaline extract- potassium carbonate obtained from barley) etc. These constituents of this tablet work effectively in preventing the excess growth of cess by removing the extra fluid accumulated in the cells. This formulation aids in pacifying the toxins, strengthening the genitourinary system and preventing recurrent vomiting associated with pyloric stenosis condition.
Dosage-2 tablets twice daily, with water after meals.
2. Pitta Balance
This is the poly herbomineral formulation suggested by Planet Ayruveda’s experts for digestive wellness. This formulation contains an effective combination of akik pishti, jawar mohra pishti, praval pishti, kamdudha ras, mukta pishti (Ayurvedic preparations for calming the aggravated pitta) along with guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). These capsules will help in calming the excess hunger and preventing the vomiting conditions.
Dosage– 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with water.
3. Arogyavardhini Vati
This tablet is an ancient tablet formulation for promoting general body health by detoxifying the liver. This tablet is known for encouraging the general health properties. Arogyavardhini vati has kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa) as its main ingredient, which is one of the best antiemetic herbal drugs. Also, the various metallic bhasmas like loha bhasam (calx of iron), abhrak bhasma (calx of asbestos), tamra bhasma (calx of copper), these have appetizer and digestion stimulant properties and also these promote the fast recovery of depleted tissues due to the dehydration caused by recurrent vomiting in pyloric stenosis.
Dosage– 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
4. Kanchnaar Guggul
This polyherbal ancient formulation is the best remedy for various inflammatory diseases. The contents of this tablet include kachnaar (Boerhavia diffusa) and guggul (Commiphora mukul) like herbs. This formulation helps in pyloric stenosis by reducing and clearing the obstruction by its anti-inflammatory action on pylorus. Also, this formulation prevents the overgrowth of cells of pylorus.
Dosage– Two tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
5. Digestion Support
It is one of the best multi-herbal preparations by Planet Ayurveda’s experts for treating various digestion related disorders. The ingredients of this formulation include Amla (Emblica officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum) etc. herbs. These herbs promote digestion by eliminating the toxins accumulated due to agnimandya and amoutpati, due to obstruction in the pylorus in pyloric stenosis.
Dosage– One capsule twice daily, after meals with water.
The Allopathic method of treatment is focused only on the symptomatic management of this disease and then on surgical procedures. These both have adverse reactions on the overall body and digestive system. Further, there is a possibility of recurrence even after surgery. Whereas Ayurveda, being an oldest method of healing is the best way for the treatment of pyloric stenosis, with an integrated approach of herbal formulations along with life and dietary modification.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

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