What are the Natural Remedies for Combating Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?

What is Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?

Nowadays, a very large proportion of children younger than 16 years of age are suffering from the problem of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis across the world. Basically, Mesenteric Lymphadenitis refers to the inflammation of the lymph nodes that are present in the mesentery. The mesentery is defined as the membrane which attaches the intestine to the walls of the abdominal. Lymph nodes are considered as an important part of the body because they trap and destroy outside viruses or bacteria and also aid the body to fight against different types of diseases. The main symptom of this disease is that it often causes Abdominal Pain. This health disorder is also known as a “Mesenteric Adenitis” and this infection usually occurs due to Viral Intestinal Infection. Mesenteric Lymphadenitis is basically divided into two types is Acute Mesenteric Lymphadenitis and Chronic Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. The type of infection usually depends upon the Causative Agents.

Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

Major Causes of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

Some of the common causes of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis are written as follows:

A. Cancer

Different types of cancer after its initial stage starts spreading its infection towards the Abdominal walls and cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. Few of the common types of cancers are

  1. Lymphoma
  2. Lung cancer
  3. Breast cancer
  4. Pancreatic cancer
  5. Gastrointestinal cancer

B. Common Infections

Some common infections of the body that occurred due to Viruses, Bacteria’s or Parasites may also cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. Some of the common infections in the body are:

  1. Gastroenteritis: This type of infection may occur as a result of various Viral or Bacterial Infections. Gastroenteritis is also known as Stomach Flu.
  2. Yersinia Enterocolitica: Basically, Yersinia enterocolitica is not an infection but it is a bacterium that is the main Causative agent of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis in Children.

C. Other Infections

  1. HIV
  2. Pancreatitis
  3. Appendicitis
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Ulcerative Colitis
  6. Acute Terminal ileitis

Signs and Symptoms of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

The Main symptom of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis is infection of the Upper Respiratory Tract that usually occur before the appearance of other common symptoms. Few other symptoms are given as below:

  1. Fever
  2. Malaise
  3. Nausea
  4. Vomiting
  5. Anorexia
  6. Rectal tenderness
  7. Flushed appearance
  8. General Tenderness of Abdominal
  9. Enlargement of Mesenteric Lymph Node
  10. Abdominal Pain – Centered towards the Lower Right Side of Abdominal, but it can be more widespread.

Diagnosis of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

The diagnosis of this infection involves an evaluation of symptoms of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis in the patients and medical practitioner will also recommend various tests which are mentioned below:

A. Laboratory Studies

Various laboratory tests are performed by the doctors to diagnose Mesenteric Lymphadenitis. Some of which include:

  1. Urinalysis
  2. Stool Cultures
  3. Blood Culture
  4. CBC count: Leukocytosis
  5. Serology: As a supportive test

B. Imaging Studies

Various Imaging studies to test Mesenteric Lymphadenitis are as following:

  1. Laparoscopy
  2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  3. Computerized Tomography Scan
  4. Histopathology: Lymph node specimen is taken as an evidence to check the signs of inflammation and this culture may yield a causative organism.

Management of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis

In Allopathic medicine, Mesenteric Lymphadenitis is treatable with Broad-Spectrum antibiotics and Surgery. But both are methods are not suitable for its management because Broad-Spectrum antibiotics cause interaction with other medications as well as food agents and produce undesirable side effects. Whereas, Surgery is very painful and costly. However, with the help of Ayurvedic and herbal remedies, Mesenteric Lymphadenitis can be treated from its root cause without causing any pain. Ayurvedic remedies produce its positive effects slowly but all the effects are stable and long-lasting. The natural products of Planet Ayurveda are effective in the treatment of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis because they are prepared from the best quality herbs and without the use of any artificial sweetening as well as a coloring agent.

Herbal Remedies for Mesenteric Lymphadenitis
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Description of Products

1. Digestion Support

The Digestion support capsules are prepared by combining Seven different types of herbs such as Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Sounf (Foeniculum vulgare), Jeerak (Cyminum cuminum), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Pippali (Piper longum), and Dhania (Coriander sativum). All these herbs balance the three Doshas of body and their inflammatory property protect body from false foreign bodies.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules after meals with plain water two times daily.

2. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia variegata), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Varuna (Crataeva religiosa), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Black Pepper (Piper nigrum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) herbs are used in the formulation of Kanchnaar Guggul tablets. These tablets protect body from various infections such as HIV and Tuberculosis that are the main causes behind the occurrence of Mesenteric Lymphadenitis in large numbers of people.

Dosage: 1-2 Tablets with lukewarm water 2-3 times daily.

3. Mahashankh Vati

The Herbal tablets of Mahashankh vati maintain the proper functioning of abdominal organs because ingredients used in these tablets are reduce the symptoms of fever, Rectal tenderness as well as Flushed appearance. The main ingredients of these tablets include Shankha Bhasma, Shunthi, Shuddha Vatsanabha, Tamarind Bark, Pippali, Rock Salt, Sea Salt and Black Salt.

Dosage: 1-2 Tablets with lukewarm water 2-3 times daily.

4. Digesto Plan Syrup

This syrup of Planet Ayurveda is prepared from the herbs such as Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Dhanayak (Coriandrum sativum), Pudina (Mentha piperita), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), Marich (Piper nigrum), Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) and Shatapushpa (Anethum sowa). All the herbs are combined and formulated as syrup by adding natural syrup of sugar.

Dosage: 1-2 teaspoonful Digesto Plan Syrup two times a day or as prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor.

5. Acido Plan Syrup

The Standardized extract of Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Ghrit Kumari (Aloe barbadensis), Triphala (Emblica officinali, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica), Pitta Papada (Fumaria indica), Sajjikhar (Soda-bi-carb), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Kokum (Garcinia indica), and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) herbs are used along with natural sugar syrup for the formulation of Acido Plan Syrup. This Syrup maintains the proper functioning of intestines.

Dosage: 1-2 teaspoonful Acido Plan Syrup two times a day or as prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor.

6. Gotu Kola Capsules

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) standardized herbs are used in these capsules. These capsules balance the Doshas as well as the energies of the body and also improve the healthy circulation of blood throughout the body.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules after meals with plain water two times daily.


Q. Is Mesenteric Lymphadenitis is a rare disease?

A. Yes, it is a rare disease but if viral and function remains in the body for a long time then it may cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis.

Q. Who are more prone to Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?

A. Young adults of both sexes, Children, and Adolescents are usually affected by Mesenteric Lymphadenitis but men are more prone to this as compared to women.

Q. Is Smoking Cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?

A. Yes, excess smoking causes Mesenteric Lymphadenitis because it lowers the immunity of body.

Q. Can cancer cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis?

A. Yes, Lymphoma cause Mesenteric Lymphadenitis because it spreads harmful cells throughout the wall of abdominal.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.