Autoimmune Encephalitis Treatment in Ayurveda


Ayurveda is an ancient medicine science. One question that hits the mind are what is the source of treatment at that time and how people got themselves free from various diseases. So our ancient texts are the answers. Acharya’s read all the texts thoroughly and succor the individuals in the best way they can by following the strict Ayurveda principles. Origin of every disease in Ayurveda is through imbalance in the tridoshas i.e. Vata, pitta and kapha. Today we will discuss autoimmune encephalitis and its management in detail.


Autoimmune encephalitis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune cells mistakenly attack the neurons and develop inflammation producing various neurological and psychiatric symptoms. How to diagnose? The diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis includes CBC, Hemoglobin, ESR, CT (head), MRI brain, CSF analysis and electroencephalography (EEG) etc. Allopathic medicine system comprises immunosuppressive therapy and associated symptomatic treatment like antipyretic, anti-inflammatory etc.

Autoimmune Encephalitis Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Overview

In today’s article we are talking about autoimmune encephalitis which can be correlated with sannipataja jwara in Ayurveda.

Let’s discuss in detail about Sannipataja jwara which is due to vitiation of triodosha but predominantly vata Dosha.

Causes of Sannipataja Jwara

Acharya explained beautifully about the causes of Sannipataaja jwara and these are:-

  1. Mithyaatiyuktarapi ch snehadhya karmanrinam (Imprudent use of panchakarma procedures)
  2. Vividhabhighata (Repeated traumatic injury)
  3. Prapakta (Inflammation)
  4. Atishrama (Excessive tiredness)
  5. Dhatu Kshaya (Burning of bodily tissues)
  6. Ajeerna (indigestion)
  7. Vishata (intoxication of any drug and formation of poison in the body)
  8. Rituparyayata (Seasonal changes)
  9. Aushadhipushpagandhashcha (Allergy due to pollen and some herbal formulation)
  10. Shoka (Psycological factors)
  11. Abhishapa (Curse from our teachers and elderly people)
  12. Kam, krodha, bhaya (Imminent origin of lust, anger, fear and other psychological factors)
  13. Prajatanam ahite ( intake of Unhealthy diet in puerperium)
  14. Stanyavtarena (onset of lactation for the first time)

Samprapti (Pathogenesis)

When the person follows the above mentioned causes and takes unhealthy or opposite diet then tridoshas get vitiated and affect the bodily tissue i.e. rasa dhatu (lymph) and spreads in the whole body and obstructs the swedavaha strotasa (sudoriferous glands) and produces sanniapataka jwara.

Poorvaroopa (Prodromal symptoms)

As per ancient texts below are the explained poorva roopa :-

  • Klama (fatigue)
  • Arti (uneasy feeling)
  • Vivaranta (Altered complexion)
  • Asyavairasya (Changed mouth taste)
  • Ashrupoorita netra (lacrimation)
  • Sheetavata atapa dwesha (Intolerance to heat and cold)
  • Romaharsha (horripilation)
  • Jrimbha (yawning)
  • Angamarda (bodyache)
  • Guruta (heaviness)
  • Aruchi (anorexia)
  • Tama (darkness in front of eyes)
  • Apraharsh (loss of libido)
  • Avipaka (indigestion)
  • Sheelavikriti (behavior changes)

Pratyatam lakshan (Symptoms of Sannipataja jwara)

The symptoms of Saanipataka jwara is explained below:-

  1. Santapa (temperature)
  2. Angamarda (bodyache)
  3. Hridyavyatha (cardiac distress)
  4. Aruchi (anorexia)
  5. Trishna (polydipsia)
  6. Akarna shabda (tinnitus)
  7. Angashithilya (flaccidity)
  8. Pralapa (Delirium)
  9. Shiravedana (headache)
  10. Kampa (shivering)
  11. Shwasa (dyspnoea)
  12. Mukhvairasya (excessive salivation)
  13. Tandra (Drowziness)
  14. Teevraparshava peeda (Severe pain in lateral sides of the body)
  15. Gatrasuptata (numbness)
  16. Todavata peeda (pricking pain)
  17. Akshepa (convulsions)
  18. Spandan (throbbing sensation)
  19. Stambha (stiffness of body parts)
  20. Angashosha (organ dystrophy)
  21. Aayasa (lethargy)

Saaanipataka Jwara Chikitsa (Treatment of Encephalitis)

Acharya’s tells us that we have to vitiate the heen dosha (unstabilized dosha) and subsides the vitiated dosha because jwaraghana chikitsa is applicable for samdosha (stabilized dosha).

Treatment can be done in following ways:-

  1. Nidan parivarjana (avoidance of the cause)
  2. Sanshodhan (Detoxification therapies like panchakarma procedures)
  3. Sanshamana  (use of herbal formulations and herbs)

Let’s explain them one by one

Nidan Parivarjana
It is also known as ardha chikitsa (half treatment). If we take a healthy diet and follow the daily or seasonal regimen then no disease will affect the body.

Sanshodhan chikitsa
This type of treatment is done with panchakarma procedures which assists in detoxification and helps in balancing the tridosha. Following are the indicated procedures :-

  • Vaman (induced vomiting)
  • Virechan (induced purgation)
  • Niruha basti (medicated enema)
  • Anuvasan basti (Medicated oil enema)
  • Nasya (Herbal nasal drops)
  • Raktamokshan (bloodletting) 

Sanshaman chikitsa-
In this, herbs and herbal formulation are used according to the patient. Consider the following herbal formulations:-

Rasa/ Bhasma/ pishti

  1. Tribhuvan kirti rasa
  2. Swaran vasant malti rasa
  3. Hinguleshvara rasa
  4. Mrityunjaya rasa
  5. Kasturi bhairav rasa
  6. Jahar Mohra pishti
  7. Lakshmi vilas ras
  8. Godanti bhasma


  1. Sanjeevani vati
  2. Saubhagya vati
  3. Giloy Ghan vati
  4. Amrita satva
  5. Vishtinduk  vati


  1. Sudarshan churna
  2. Panchkol churna
  3. Drakshadi churna
  4. Sitopaladi churna


  1. Guduchyadi kwath
  2. Amritarishta
  3. Darvyadi kwatha


  1. Amritadi ghrita
  2. Chandadi ghrita


Harbal Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalitis

Planet Ayurveda Herbal Formulations for Autoimmune Encephalitis

Planet Ayurveda is a renowned organization offering herbal products worldwide prepared under the guidance of expert Ayurveda practitioners. These herbal products are prepared by following the strict Ayurveda principles and are free from any kind of adverse effects. Planet Ayurveda gives herbal formulations for the treatment of autoimmune encephalitis.

  1. Suvarna Basant Malti Ras
  2. Sanjivani Vati
  3. Giloy ghan vati
  4. Boswellia Curcumin
  5. Gotukola capsules
  6. Brahmi capsules
  7. Ashwagandha capsules

Products Description

1 . Suvarna Basant Malti Ras 

This classical herbal and mineral formulation is safe and prepared using the suvarna bhasma (purified powdered gold), Mukta bhasma (purified powdered pearl) , parade (purified mercury) and some other herbs. These herbs aid in pacifying the doshas and helps in relieving the associated symptoms. This herbo-mineral preparation boosts the immune system and rejuvenates all the bodily tissues, thus, by bringing back the normal functions of the dhatu (body tissues), it helps in this disease.

Dosage– 1 tablet to be chewed daily with lukewarm water, after meals.

2 . Sanjivani Vati

It is a safe herbal formulation prepared using the herbs named vidanga (Embelia ribes), shunthi (Zingiber officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum) , Triphala etc. This herbal formulation is very beneficial in treating the patients suffering from autoimmune encephalitis by alleviating the symptoms like fever, inflammation, numbness, anorexia, fatigue etc.

Dosage– 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals

3 . Giloyghan Vati 

Giloyghan vati is classical herbal preparation. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is an amazing herb which helps in balancing the tridosha and maintains the normal body functioning. It also possesses antipsychotic property thus assists in relieving the psychological symptoms of this disorder and strengthens the nervous system.

Dosage– 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals

4 . Boswellia Curcumin 

Boswellia Curcumin is a safe herbal formulation prepared using the standardized extract of Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)and haridra (Curcuma longa). This herb is very essential in relieving vata dosha related symptoms (neurological symptoms) in Autoimmune Encephalitis. They also strengthen the nerves and maintain the balance of doshas.

Dosage– 1 -2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals

5 . Gotukola Capsules

Gotukola capsules are the safe herbal formulations prepared using the standardized extract of Gotukola (Centella asiatica). This herb acts as medhya (nervine tonic) thus helps in relieving all the neurological symptoms of this ailment like Numbness, tingling sensation, pain, numbness and other associated symptoms. It strengthens the neuron and pacifies the tridoshas.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

6 . Brahmi Capsules

This herbal formulation is prepared using standardized extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi is an antioxidant thus reconstructing the damaged brain cells. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti cancerous properties so helpful in maintaining the healthy nervous system and brain.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals

7 . Ashwagandha Capsules 

Ashwagandha capsules are single herbal preparations prepared using standardized extract of Withania Somnifera. This herbal formulation assists in reducing the psychological symptoms like stress, anxiety, depression and calms the mind. It enhances the brain function and rejuvenates the neurons.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website –


At last, I can say autoimmune encephalitis can be managed with Ayurvedic herbs and herbal formulations. These herbal formulations are prepared under expert supervision without adding any chemicals, preservatives and additives. Along with the management of autoimmune encephalitis these herbal formulations aid in controlling numerous health conditions.

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Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurvedic Medicine) is an expert Ayurveda consultant in Chandigarh (India). He has vast experience of herbs and their applied uses. He has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from various ailments, throughout the world. He is CEO and Founder of Krishna Herbal Company and Planet Ayurveda in Chandigarh, India. He researched age old formulas from ancient Ayurvedic text books to restore health and save human beings from the worst side-effects of chemical-based treatments.