Vasant Kusumakar Ras Benefits & Ingredients
Vasant kusumakar ras is an ayurvedic rasaushadhi (mineral formulation) mentioned in classical texts. It is commonly indicated in The main reference of vasant kusumakar ras is Sidh yog sangraha. It is indicated as a drug of choice in Diabetes. It possesses several properties like sheeta (cold potency), rakta prasaadak (purifies blood), hridya (promotes heart health), pitta shamaka (pacifies pitta), dhatu vardhak (nourishes body tissues), balya (promotes strength). This article contains information about the Vasant Kusumakar rasa, its therapeutic indications, dosage, and preparation methods.
Vasant Kusumakar is one of the best among Rasaushadhis (herbomineral) remedies. It is prepared in kharal (pestle and mortar). The properties of Vasant kusumakar rasa are Madhur rasa, sheet(cold) virya, and acts to enhance the nutritional status. It acts as a hypoglycemic, insulin modulator, and balances the body’s hormones. It is a strength enhancer, immunity promoter, and rejuvenator.
Classical Indication
It is indicated as a drug of choice in Prameha (Diabetes).
Sidh yog sangrah.
The chief ingredients of Vasant Kusumakar rasa are:
- Nag bhasma (Calx of Lead)
- Kanta Loha Bhasma (Calx of Iron)
- Abhrak Bhasma (Calx of Mica)
- Praval Bhasma (Calx of Coral) and Mukta Bhasma (Calx of Pearl)
- Rasa Sindoor
- Raupya Bhasma (Calx of silver)
- Cow Milk – Q.S. (for Bhavana)
- Ikshu Rasa / Extract of Saccharum officinarum (For Bhavana)
- Vasa Rasa / Extract of Adhatoda vasica (For Bhavana)
- Laksa Rasa / Extract of Laccifer Lacca – Q.S. (For Bhavana)
- Sugandha Bala Rasa / Extract of Andropogon vetiver – Q.S. (For Bhavana
- Kadali Kanda Rasa / Extract of Stem of Musa paradisiacal – Q.S. (For Bhavana)
- SataPatra Prasunaka Rasa / Flower Extract of Nelumbium speciosum – Q.S. (For Bhavana)
- Malatikusumodaka / Jasminum grandiflorum – Q.S. (For Bhavana)
- Kasturi (Abelmoschus moschatus)
- Nag bhasma (Calx of Lead)– Nag bhasam is hot in potency and hence a potent Vata shamak. It helps to pacify the male sexual problems like impotency and increases the body’s strength and stamina. Nag maintains healthy and good blood circulation in the body. It is useful in the management of excessive urination, plihavridhi (spleen enlargement), prameha (diabetes), shvet pradar (leucorrhoea), dhwjabhang (impotency) and sandhivata (rheumatoid arthritis).
- Kantloha (Calx of Iron)– Loha is a well-known dhatu pushtikar (increases the strength of body tissues). It increases the number of healthy cells in the body. Promotes hemoglobin status and hence it is useful to manage anemia. Kantaloha also pacifies the weak nerves, is a potent stamina booster, tones up the body channels, and provides longevity.
- Abhrak bhasma (Calx of Mica)– Abhrak bhasam is a potent Rejuvenator, Haridys (tone up the heart health and circulation), increase the brain tone. It is a well-known mineral to pacify the disease associated with lung problems. Abhrak is known to pacify the aggravated tridoshas.
- Praval and Mukta– Praval and Mukta are cold in potency hence pacify the pitta dosha, dahshamak(pacifies the heat associated with aggravated pitta), and cure conditions like anemia and diabetes. Praval, as well as Mukta, are very useful to manage the conditions like hypertension and act as a soothing agent. In gas and bloating, both praval and Mukta act as an antacid.
- Rasa sindoor– Rasa Sindoor is made from Parada and gandhaka. Act as yogvahi (catalyst) and rasayan (rejuvenator). It is a potent strength enhancer and pacifies prolonged weakness. Rasa Sindoor enhances the mode of action of other minerals associated with a formulation.
- Godugdh (cow milk) – Cow milk is loaded with ample benefits. It is a rejuvenator, balya (increases strength), dhatu pushtikar (nourishes the body tissues), Vaya sthapak (promotes longevity), and enhances immunity. Vasant Kusumakar rasa is used as a bhavna dravya to increase potency and efficiency.
- Raupya bhasam (Calx of silver)–Raupya bhasam/ Rajat bhasam promotes bone tone, shukra vardhak (increases the semen quality and quantity), strotopushtikar (strengthens the body channels), and a potent pitta shamak (pacify the aggravated pitta dosha) hence it pacifies the vitiated or aggravated heat in the body due to vitiated pitta. Rajat is cold in potency and promotes calmness. It acts as pushtikar (nourishes the tissues), kanti vardhak (promotes the glow), and ayushkar (promotes longevity).
- Ikshu Rasa / Extract of Saccharum officinarum (For Bhavana)— Ikshu rasa (adathoda vasica) is used as a bhavna dravya for Vasantkusumakar rasa. Sugarcane as we know is restorative, cooling, and laxative in nature. It is diuretic in nature and antiseptic in nature. It is loaded with vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin D.
- Vasa Rasa / Extract of Adhatoda vasica (For Bhavana)– Vasa is a well-known bronchodilator and a respiratory stimulant. It is useful to improve the strength of the lungs. Vasa is used as a bhavna dravya to enhance the potency.
- Laksa Rasa / Extract of Laccifer Lacca – Q.S. (For Bhavana)– it is used as a Bhavna dravya in Vasant kusumakar rasa. Laksa is loaded with calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iodine, and fluorine. It acts as a vata shamak herb and enhances the properties of vasant kusumakar rasa multiple times.
- Sugandhabala Rasa / Extract of Andropogon vetiver – Q.S. (For Bhavana)– it is used as a bhavna dravya in Vasant Kusumakar rasa. The extract is useful to manage colic pain and excessive flatulence. Also, it is able to manage the vomiting and conditions of fever.
- Kadali Kanda Rasa / Extract of Stem of Musa paradisiacal – Q.S. (For Bhavana)– Kadali stem rasa is used as a bhavna dravya in Vasant Kusumakar rasa. This extract is useful for managing diarrhea and dysentery and promoting intestinal lesions’ healing in ulcerative colitis. Unripe bananas are useful in diabetes and ripe banana is very effective in the management of hypotension.
- SataPatra Prasunaka Rasa / Flower Extract of Nelumbium speciosum – Q.S. (For Bhavana)– It is simply called Lotus (Kamal). It is used as bhavna dravya in Vasantkusumakar rasa. It is astringent and hemostatic in nature. It is a diuretic and promotes cooling. It is useful in piles, and skin problems and acts as an anticoagulant.
- Malatikusumodaka / Jasminum grandiflorum – Q.S. (For Bhavana)— Jasmine is calming in nature. The Bhavna of the Jasmine flower enhances the potency of Vasantkusumakar rasa multiple times. It is calming, CNS depressant, and mild anesthetic. It is very useful in conditions of cough and chest disorders.
- Kasturi (Abelmoschus moschatus)— It is useful to detoxify the body and able to drain out the toxins and free radicals from the body. Kasturi is known to manage disorders related to impaired kidneys.
Take 4 tolas of each of Praval, Rasa Sindoor, Mukta, Abhrak bhasam. Take 2 tolas of each of Raupya bhasam and Swaran bhasam. Also take 3 tolas of each of loha, nag, and vang bhasma. Add all the ingredients in the mentioned dosage in a kharal. Mix properly and give 7 bhavnas of each vasa extract, ikshurasa, kamal rasa, malti rasa, kadalikand rasa, laksha rasa, sugandh bala rasa, and cow milk respectively. The timing of mardan (mixing) of each bhavna dravyas should be of 3-6 hours. After mixing the ingredients properly, add bhavna dravyas to increase the potency of the vasant kusumakar rasa and make the tablets of the 1 Ratti dosage.
Therapeutic Uses & Key Benefits
- Diabetes and complications– This rasa plays an important role in conditions like Diabetes or its complications, it is beneficial in conditions associated with vata and pitta. Diabetes is prevalent in urban households. It is a disease associated with a poor or sedentary lifestyle. The diabetic complications associated with emaciation can be cured with vasant kusumakar rasa. It is beneficial to cure the Aptarpanjanya prameha, which is associated with low nutrition. It can cure problems like Vaatvahini kshobh (Neuropathy), Netra vikar (retinopathy), and maintain good cardiac health.
- Heart issues— It acts as a health rejuvenator. It helps to protect the heart by pacifying all the three doshas. It protects the heart by clearing the arterial plaque and preventing atherosclerosis.
- Eye disorders– Prevent the eyes from various disorders. It is best to cure retinopathy which is a complication of diabetes. It promotes the vision and cures the eye infections.
- Ulcerative colitis — Vasant kusumakar rasa is helpful to manage the problem of Ulcerative colitis due to the presence of Pitta pacifying dravyas. It cures inflammation and helps heal the gut. It reduces the frequency of stools and associated blood and mucus.
- Cough— Can cure the cough with different anupans. Act as an important.
- Kshyarog (tuberculosis) – Act as a balya (increase the strength), rejuvenator, brain tonic, prevent pleural effusion, and Vata-kapha pacifier.
- Pain– Vasant Kusumakar rasa reduces the pain due to its vata pacifying properties.
- Unmada – Vasantkusumakar rasa acts as a brain tonic and promotes brain activity.
- Bronchitis —Vasantkusumakar rasa reduces inflammation by pacifying the aggravated pitta and draining the toxins.
- Premature ejaculation—Vasantkusumakar rasa cures premature ejaculation.As it contains tridosha (Vata, pitta, Kapha) pacifying properties. Help to maintain the good sexual time as it is balya (increase the strength) and strengthens the nerves of the reproductive tract.
- Anxiety due to Vata— As vasant kusumakar rasa pacifies the vat so it reduces the pain and inflammation in joints and also manages the headache. Able to manage the sciatica pain and abdominal pain with Harad kwath.
- Poor mental health —Due to the presence of Swaran bhasam Vasant Kusumakar rasa increases mental activity, and brain tone.
- Act as an aphrodisiac – Vasant Kusumakar rasa increases the semen and increases the sperm quality due to the presence of Nag and Vang. Nag and vang are potent rejuvenators and aphrodisiacs, Hot in potency, and open the body channels. Nag and vang increase the levels of testosterone.
Dosage– 1-2 tabs twice daily with honey.
This medicine must be consumed under strict medical directions only. To practice Self-medication with this medicine might be unsafe. Keep out of the reach of children. It should be taken under strict medical supervision or prescribed by an ayurvedic physician.
Vasant Kusumakar rasa is rasaushadhi (herbomineral ayurvedic formulation) which is very effective in various types of Tridosha vyadhis. In this article, we have discussed the great facts about vasant kusumakar rasa. Vasantkusumakar rasa manages diabetes (Prameha) and associated complications. The presence of Kant loha manages anemia, jaundice, and excessive burning sensation. Properties like Madhur rasa (sweet taste), and sheet (cold) virya enhance the nutritional status. The vasant kusumakar rasa of Planet Ayurveda is authentic, GMP certified, and result-oriented without any complications. The process of preparation is based on classical texts and purification of associated minerals is the first and topmost priority. In case of any query kindly visit For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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