Natural Cure For Restless Leg syndrome
It’s our feet and legs which are supporting us so far in our life journey. During milestones, an infant growing into a child wants to see this world by standing on his legs by falling or raising many times until it succeeds standing on his own feet and starts moving around. And although standing on our legs shows our positive attitude towards our life. Restless leg syndrome is a nervous system disorder that involves an overpowering urge to move our legs. It is considered a sleep disorder because it usually gets worse while ur sleeping or on rest. This syndrome affects up to 10% of people in the world and middle aged people are more likely to be affected with this syndrome. In the following article we are going to discuss the sign-symptoms, ayurvedic treatment of Restless leg syndrome.
Restless leg syndrome, as the name suggests, is a condition that causes uncontrollable or irresistible urge to move the legs. It is a pathological and neurological condition associated with abnormal sensation in legs that causes an intense uncontrollable urge to move the legs, also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease. It usually interferes with sleep or sleep patterns and typically happens in the evening or night time. With time people with RLS want to shake their legs and to walk around to get relief from uncomfortable sensation. On the other hand, as we discuss ayurveda, this condition is caused by vitiation of Vata Dosha. Vata aggravating factors aggravate the disease and its symptoms. This condition is more likely to be common in women than in men.
- Age : After middle age.
- Gender : Females are more likely to be suspected than males.
- Side-effects of some medications.
Oftenly, the cause is unknown in most cases. But in some of the cases, Experts say this condition may be caused by an imbalance of chemical dopamine, which sends signals to control muscle movements. Increased production and release of dopamine and malfunction of the receptors may lead to the development of the RLS symptoms.
- Hereditary – Sometimes RLS may run in families if the condition starts before the middle age.
- Pregnancy – This condition is more common in women than males. Due to hormonal changes women like to suffer with RLS symptoms for the first time, however they disappear after delivery.
- Chronic Diseases – Long term medical conditions may show symptoms of RLS including iron deficiency anaemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy, and Parkinson’s disease.
Besides these causes, as we know this disease is caused due to aggravation of Vata Dosha for which following factors are the major reason to develop RLS.
Ahar Janya Causes
- Ruksha ahar sevan- Excessive consumption of dry foods.
- Sheeta ahar sevan- excessive consumption of cold foods.
- Atyalpa ahar- very low food consumption
- Asatmaya ahar- inappropriate diet.
- Katu aahar sevan – excessive consumption of pungent foods.
- Tikta ahar sevan- excessive consumption of bitter foods.
- Kashaya ahar sevan- excessive consumption of astringent foods.
- Visham ahar- heavy food intake or eating speedingly.
- Viruddh ahar sevan- intake of wrong food combinations like sour curd and milk, seafood and milk.
- Adhyashan- excessive food intake.
- Daarun ahar- vitiating Tridoshas.
- Khar ahar – solid and excessive dry food intake.
- Kshobh – irritation generating food
Vihar Janya Causes
- Atyadhik vyayam – excessive exercise
- Atyadhik vyavaya – excessive indulgence in sexual activities.
- Upavasa – excessive fasting
- Veg dharana – stopping natural urges.
- Chinta – tension
- Shok – stress
- Ratri jagaran – awakening all night
- Ati Shuchi – excessive use of panchkarma.
- Plavan – excessive swimming
- Atidhavan – excessive running
- Ati uch bhashan – speaking in louder voice
- Divashayan – excessive sleep in day time
- Krodh – excessive anger
- Abhighat – injury
- Kshaya – depletion of tissues.
Vishisht Causes
- Underlying pathologies
- Depletion of dhatus
- Atyadhik aamras in body
- Excessive use of panchkarma
- Injury on head, chest
Chief complaint of this condition is an irresistible urge to move the legs and some common symptoms include itching, pulling, throbbing, crawling, and aching. These symptoms can also be seen in arms, hands, chest or head. It usually happens on both sides of the body and severity of symptoms may go from mild to moderate. Most patients of RLS have ‘periodic limb movement disorder’ that is when limbs jerk during sleep and it leads to sleep disruption. Often, symptoms will come in waves rather than be present constantly. Some other symptoms are-
- Sankuchit anga-pratyanga (contractures in affected body)
- Parv stambh (stiffness in joints)
- Bhedhanvat vedana (piercing type of pain)
- Romharsh (erection of hair follicles)
- Prlaap (delirium)
- Stambha (stiffness)
- Khanjta (lameness in one leg)
- Panguta (lameness with both legs)
- Kubjatva (forward or backward bending of the body)
- Angshosha (dystrophy of organs)
- Anidra (insomnia)
- Garbhnasha (missed abortion)
- Shukra naash (loss of semen)
- Artva naash (loss of menstruation)
- Spandan (throbbing sensation)
- Gatra suptata (numbness in body)
- Bhedanvat peeda (tearing pain)
- Todvat peeda (pricking pain)
- Arati (restlessness)
- Aakshepa (convulsions)
- Aayas (lethargy)
Due to these ahar-vihar causes vata dosha to get vitiated. Then it leads to functional disorders of the nervous system and produces various psychosomatic illnesses. Due to these illnesses it may lead to abnormally increased functions of the nervous system.
RLS can be classified as-
- Primary RLS
- Secondary RLS
Primary RLS- is idiopathic in nature and has no known cause and usually starts slowly before 40-45 years of age and later on gets progressive and worse with age.
Secondary RLS- It starts after 40 years of age.This is due to some underlying disease or long term medications.
- Diagnosis is based on patients’ case history.
- Signs and symptoms will help in diagnosis.
As per Ayurveda, RLS can be diagnosed by Trividh pareeksha (Darshan, sparshana, prashana) , Ashtavidh pareeksha (nadi, mala, mootra, jihwa, sparsh, drik, aakriti).
- Treat underlying conditions.
- Treatment mainly focuses on lifestyle modifications.
- Analgesics
- Antidepressants.
As there are adverse side effects of allopath and reoccurrence or dissolving the symptoms of the disease can occur. In Ayurveda we can maintain the balance of dosha to control the disease. Allopathic medicines result in many health complications whereas Ayurvedic medicine provides excellent health benefits with the treatment of disease and the main purpose of Ayurvedic medicine is to diminish a disease with its roots. The concepts of universal interconnection, the body’s constitution (Prakriti), and Dosha are the primary basis of Ayurvedic medicine. Goals of treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life as described by Acharya Charak and Sushruta in Samhitas. Ayurvedic treatment subsides the doshas and helps to balance all the three dosha present in the body and by lifestyle modifications we can maintain a balanced health and enhance life.
Ayurveda View of Restless Leg Syndrome
Now we are going to discuss the Ayurveda correlation of Restless leg syndrome. In the ancient era all the rogas (diseases) were managed by Ayurvedic culture and the treatment was effective. Ayurveda treats patients from ancient times and effectively cures the patients. As per Ayurveda we can correlate the above condition with Vata Vyadhi. Vata vyadhi is a group of disorders caused due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. Most of the common symptoms like pain, numbness, urge to move, etc. are shown in RLS are as same as the features of Vata vyadhi. We can also find the involvement of Pitta dosha and kapha dosha in the later context of disease.
Vata vyadhi can be prevented by avoiding causative factors which vitiate Vata dosha.
- Sneha, swedana with mridu virechana medicines (administration of medicated oils/ghee with steaming/sweating therapy and mild evacuation medicines)
- Vata anulomna chikitsa (pacification of vata dosha) with devadaru Cedrus deodara, Kushtha Saussurea lappa, Bala Sida cordifolia, Atibala Abutilon indicum etc.
- Deepan – Pachna medications (appetiser and digestant drugs)
- Niruh and anuvasana basti
- Nasya karma
- Dhoomapana
- Madhur, amla, lavana, snigadh ahar (consuming sweet, sour, salt, oil rich foods)
- Ushan ahar (hot and fresh food)
- Abhyanga (performing massage with medicated oils) with tila taila (sesame oil), ksheerabala thailam, mahamasha tailam, pinda thailam etc.
- Padabhyanga (foot massage)
- Kati basti swedana (local oil pooling around lumbar and sacroiliac joints)
- Naadi sweda (boiled water with herbs for steaming)
- Patra-pinda swedana (bollus of herb leaves are used for fomentation of affected area)
For Vata vyadhi and the management of Restless leg syndrome Planet Ayurveda provides you with a variety of herbal medicines that we will discuss now.
Herbal Remedies By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a herbal manufacturing company that provides great treatment with miraculous results for every health concerned patient. Here , formulations are made under proper guidance by MD Ayurveda Doctors and these medications are 100% natural. There are no adhesives, dyes, fillers, or adulterants used. There are no side effects of our formulations that are most effective herbal and natural. Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified herbal supplements manufacturing company. Planet Ayurveda has herbal supplements which have very high and positive results.In the above condition we give many formulations to manage this disease very well. These are
- Vrihat Vaatchintamani Ras
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Stress Support Capsules
- Neuroplan Syrup
- Amalaki Rasayan
Product Description
1. Vrihat Vaatchintamani Ras
It is an ayurvedic classical herbal formulation consists of Swarna Bhasma (Calx of Gold), Abhrak Bhasma (Calx of Mica), Rajata Bhasma (Calx of Silver), Loha Bhasma (Calx of Iron) etc. This formulation is used in the Vata dosha imbalance such as Nadigata vyadhis (neuropathies), Kampavata (tremors), Pada harsha (tingling sensation in feet), Parv stambh (stiffness in joints).
Dosage – 1 tablet twice a day to be chewed with plain water after meals.
Anupana – It is administered with honey and Musta Kshaya.
2. Ashwagandha Capsules
It is a single herbal capsule of Ashwagandha Withania somnifera widely used in balancing tridoshas, especially Vata and Kapha disorders. It also improves blood circulation, a great antioxidant, and acts as a nervine tonic that soothes nerves. It acts as rasayana. It is very useful in hast-pad shosh (muscular atrophy of affected arms/legs), Spandan (throbbing sensation), pain in low backs, calf muscles.
Dosage– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
3. Stress Support Capsules
It is a poly herbal capsule. Consists of Ashwagandha Withania somnifera, Tagar Valeriana wallichii, Brahmi Bacopa monnieri. It is used to help the brain to stay calm, helps to reduce stress and anxiety, reduce swelling, maintain blood pressure, and increase immune power. It helps in improving vata kantak (ankle sprain), akshepak (convulsions), nidra nasha (insomnia).
Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
4. Neuroplan Syrup
This herbal syrup is specially formulated by planet ayurveda to improve neuropathies. It consists of Brahmi Bacopa monnieri, Mandukaparni Centella asiatica, Ashwagandha Withania somnifera etc. it acts as analgesic, controls the pain of different body parts like legs, arms , it helps in improving the Bhedhanvat vedana (piercing type of pain), stambhan (stiffness), sankochan (contractures), weakness.
Dosage– 1-2 teaspoons twice daily with plain water after meals.
5. Amalaki Rasayan
It is a single herbal capsule provided by Planet Ayurveda to improve blood circulation, mental health, neurological disorders, digestive health, immune health, and acts as a great nutritional supplement. Amalaki Emblica officinalis richest source of vitamin c, balances all the tridoshas, and it is an effective herb for neuropathies also. It also acts as a rasayana which rejuvenates the body functions and gives best anti- ageing properties.
Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plane water after meals.
In the ancient era all the rogas (diseases) were managed by Ayurvedic culture and the treatment was effective. Ayurveda treats patients from ancient times and effectively cures the patients. It is better to take Ayurvedic medicines because it has no side effects with best results over the years and because all the medicines are free from any preservatives and other chemicals that affect your health. Ayurvedic treatment emphasises on treating the root cause of the condition it is capable of eliminating the diseases permanently. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that with appropriate and timely management of tridosha present in our body, the quality of life of the patient can be improved effectively. In case of any query kindly visit For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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