Intestinal Tuberculosis & Its Treatment With Herbal Remedies
In the twentieth century, TB (tuberculosis) was one of the leading causes of deaths. These days, due to advancement of science and technology, various antibiotics are present which help to reduce the death rate in the population. Intestinal tuberculosis is an uncommon presentation of tuberculosis. However, there are antibiotics presented by the allopathic system of medicines to cope up with the condition, and the depleted state of the body still remains a major concern. Let’s know more about intestinal tuberculosis along with its symptoms, causes, and the line of treatment presented by ayurvedic principles to manage the circumstances.
Intestinal tuberculosis is the sixth most prevalent type of tuberculosis which affects any other part of the body apart from lungs. Intestinal tuberculosis presents with various clinical features which will be described ahead. But, it is a bit difficult to differentiate the state of intestinal tuberculosis with Crohn’s disease. As almost all the features are similar in both the scenarios, such as inflammation in the region of ileocecal junction. The patients of intestinal tuberculosis, in most of the cases, remain asymptomatic. As there are two forms of tuberculosis infection – latent and active tuberculosis, described as follows:-
- Latent tuberculosis – When the tb bacteria are present in the body, but in an amount that can be managed well by the immune system. The patient will not present any symptoms and is not in a state to transmit the infection. But, under favorable conditions, the bacteria can multiply aggressively and become active.
- Active tuberculosis – The bacteria is multiplying and is in an active stage. The person falls sick and can spread the bacteria to others also. In most of the cases of active tb, there was a history of the latent tb. This will lead to presentation of various symptoms which will be discussed later, before that let’s understand the causes of intestinal tuberculosis.
The intestinal tuberculosis is a bacterial disease. The causative organism is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis in majority of the cases. The most common cause of intestinal tuberculosis is ingestion of unpasteurized milk of cows infected with tb bacteria. Apart from this, intestinal tuberculosis can occur due to spread of bacteria from the already infected lungs. It can spread to the intestinal tract through hematogenous medium traveling through the bloodstream, intake of infected sputum, or it may also happen through spread from the infected lymph nodes. This will lead to various clinical features which will be described as follows.
The patients of intestinal tuberculosis may be asymptomatic. The features of intestinal tuberculosis will depend on the region worst affected, the most common may include fibrosis, thickening of the bowel wall, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, thickening of the omentum, etc. The symptoms will differ from patient to patient. The most common difficulties faced by the patient suffering from intestinal tuberculosis can be fever, night sweats, pain in abdomen, dysphagia, nausea, weakness, discomfort, and bowel disturbances, etc.
The condition of intestinal tuberculosis will require various diagnostic tests such as X- ray abdomen, Colonoscopy, CT scan, etc. To confirm the presence of tuberculi bacteria, a Mantoux test is performed. But in many cases, it shows negative even in the presence of the bacterium so it should not be the only diagnostic test done to confirm the diagnosis. Liver function tests should also be performed and the white blood cell count should also be monitored. As soon as the condition is diagnosed, the treatment should be started, which is described as follows.
The main line of treatment of intestinal tuberculosis will include the administration of various antibiotics. The therapy includes antituberculous therapy for six to nine months. Apart from this, symptomatic treatment is given to manage the ongoing health difficulties. Usually most of the cases are managed by the antibiotic therapy, but in some cases, surgery may also be required.(This will be decided according to the severity of the condition)
Tuberculosis can be correlated to shosha or rajayakshma in ayurvedic principles. It is called durvigyayo i.e. which is difficult to diagnose and durnirvar i.e. difficult to treat. The intestinal tuberculosis can be correlated with aantrik shaya. The shosha roga is considered to be a result of vitiation of kapha dosha. The kapha dosha aggravates and blocks the channels of the body and this leads to the depletion of health of the patient causing excessive weakness. The patient suffers pain (shool), burning sensation (daha), fever (jwar), diarrhea (atisara), anorexia (aruchi), heaviness in head, etc. These difficulties can be managed with various ayurvedic preparations which will be described as follows.
Planet Ayurveda is providing a variety of ayurvedic formulations such as praval panchamrit ras, kamdudha ras, pitta balance, etc. which are prepared using authentic ways and provide great results in improving the condition of intestinal tuberculosis. These formulations contain beneficial Ayurvedic components such as praval bhasma (coral calyx), mukta bhasma (pearl calyx), shankh bhasma (conch shell calyx), etc. are prepared strictly according to the procedures described in the samhitas (classical texts) and therefore are very effective in promoting the health of the patient and managing the diseased state effectively. The products beneficial for improving the condition of intestinal tuberculosis are described as follows
- Suvarna Vasant Malti Ras
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Pitta Balance
- Praval Panchamrit
- Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukt)
- Belgiri Churna
1. Swarna Vasant Malti Ras
Swarn vasant malti ras is an ayurvedic herbo mineral preparation with a variety of health benefits. It is primarily prepared using shuudha swarna (calx of gold) and helps to increase the disease fighting ability of the body, hence boosting the natural strength of the body. Swarn vasant malti ras is very beneficial for fighting off various types of infection, thus useful in intestinal tuberculosis.
Dosage: One tablet two times a day.
2. Kanchnaar Guggul
Kanchnaar guggul is prepared by planet Ayurveda by combining various beneficial medicinal herbs such as Kachnar Bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula),Guggul (Commiphora mukul), etc. The Kanchnaar guggul is beneficial in promoting the growth of healthy cells. The appropriate use of Kanchnaar guggul will help to improve the intestinal flora and improve the health of the patient.
Dosage: Two tablets two times a day.
3. Pitta Balance
Pitta balance capsules are prepared by Planet Ayurveda. As the name suggests, these capsules help to balance the pitta dosha. It improves digestion and thus, helps to give relief from anorexia, indigestion, etc. as experienced in the cases of intestinal tuberculosis. Thus, improving the health of the patient suffering from intestinal tuberculosis.
Dosage: One capsule two times a day.
4. Praval Panchamrit
Praval panchamrit is a very beneficial classical ayurvedic formulation prepared using purified praval (Coral) It is very helpful in pacifying the vitiated dosha in the body. Praval panchamrit balances the pitta dosha and helps in giving relief from burning sensation, etc. Thus, improving the condition of intestinal tuberculosis.
Dosage: Two tablets two times a day.
5. Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukt)
Kamdudha ras is an ayurvedic formulation to improve various health related difficulties. It helps to improve the digestion related discomfort and the burning sensation experienced by the patient suffering from intestinal tuberculosis.
Dosage: One tablet two times a day.
6. Belgiri Powder
Belgiri powder is being prepared by planet ayurveda. It helps to improve digestion and relieves various digestion related difficulties such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, etc. Belgiri (aegle marmelos) is the main component of the Belgiri powder and it is helpful in balancing the vata and kapha dosha of the body. Thus, improving the health of the patient suffering from intestinal tuberculosis.
Dosage: One teaspoon two times a day.
In a nutshell, it can be concluded that intestinal tuberculosis can be managed very well by following the herbal remedies of planet ayurveda. As described in the above content, ayurveda believes to rectify the disease right from its roots rather than just managing the symptoms. By restricting the causative or aggravating factors and following a healthy diet along with the administration of ayurvedic formulations such as pitta balance, prawal panchamrit ras, kamdudha ras, etc. the condition can be managed well. The condition of the patients suffering from intestinal tuberculosis can be improved to a great extent through ayurvedic management.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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