ABSTRACT Human body functioning depends on various organ systems related to different physiological functions. But all systems are interconnected for proper functioning circulation , filtration, excretion etc. our daily life routine decides our organ health and overall health. Frequency, urgency, haematuria, and suprapubic discomfort are common symptoms of cystitis, a bacterial infection of the lower urinary tract, in addition to…
WHAT IS ENDOMETRIOSIS? When the tissue normally found inside the uterus grows in other parts of the body, and may attach to the ovaries, fallopian tube,and the exterior of the uterus, the bowel or other internal parts. Hormones changes during the menstrual cycle, the tissue breakdown and may cause painful adhesions and scar tissues. When endometriosis involves ovaries cysts then…
Endometriosis is a malady in thisthe endometrial tissues are visible on the exteriorportion of the uterus. It is placed in the center of the pelvic area and lower stomach area. This ailment develops in the endometrium tissue. This disease mainly occurs in women. No data is available that provide required statistics for this disease. Endometriosis stays unidentified because it never…