Cystitis, a bacterial infection of the lower urinary tract, typically results in frequency, urgency, haematuria, and suprapubic pain in addition to pain when passing urine. Urine nearly always contains germs and white blood cells. A recurrent UTI is a symptomatic UTI that often, but not always, occurs after the clinical clearance of an earlier infection following therapy. In the literature, recurrent cystitis is typically defined as three UTI episodes in the previous year or two episodes in the prior six months. Recurrent UTIs put women through significant discomfort and significantly increase ambulatory healthcare expenditures through outpatient visits, diagnostic testing, and medicines.
This article aims to explain the notion of lower urinary tract infection in Ayurveda because the symptoms of mutrakriccha and lower urinary tract infections are similar.

Urgency, haematuria, and suprapubic pain are all symptoms of cystitis, a bacterial infection of the lower urinary tract that also causes pain when passing urine. Three UTI bouts in the previous 12 months, or two incidents in the prior 6 months, are typically required to be diagnosed with recurrent cystitis. According to one study, it frequently affects young, healthy women. Within 6 months of the initial infection, 27% of women get a second infection, and 2.7% experience a second recurrence.
Uropathogenic bacteria in the faecal flora colonise the vaginal and periurethral openings and ascend the urethra into the bladder, which results in cystitis. The use of diaphragm-spermicide, previous recurrent UTIs, and sexual activity have all been found to be significant, independent risk factors for cystitis. The use of condoms coated with spermicide may further raise the incidence of UTIs. Recent use of antibiotics is strongly connected with the risk of cystitis, and it has been demonstrated that using antibiotics adversely affects the vaginal flora in both people and animals. Reduced oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women appear to be a factor in recurrent cystitis in healthy women. Oestrogen affects the vagina, bladder, and urethra; hence, when the body’s hormone level is decreased, the tissues of these organs thin, weaken, and dry out. Postmenopausal women may be more susceptible to UTIs due to changes in the tissues of the bladder and urethra and the resulting loss of defence against infection-causing microbes. Because of modifications to the urinary tract, cystitis is also more frequent during pregnancy. As the uterus expands, its added weight may prevent the urine from the bladder from draining, leading to an infection. From weeks 6 to 24 of pregnancy, recurrent cystitis is more common in women.
Following are some of the primary and typical symptoms of cystitis:
- A strong, persistent need to urinate
- Having pain or a burning sensation after urinating
- Frequent and infrequently-sized urination
- Hematuria (peeing blood)
- Urinating in a cloudy or unpleasant way
- Discomfort in the pelvic
- Abdominal pressure refers to the area below the belly button
- A little fever
- Patients who have recently had treatment for cystitis should undergo urine culture and susceptibility testing to help decide the appropriate course of treatment due to the increased risk of antibiotic resistance.
- Prior to administering empiric antibiotics, urine cultures should be carried out on patients with complicated cystitis or pyelonephritis.
“Ayurveda” is a term that denotes knowledge of life and longevity. The universe has been designed to contain the five traditional elements known as the Panchamahabhutas: Aakash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, and Prithvi. In Ayurvedic literature, the concept of urine infection is discussed under the category of Mutrakrichhra and is referred to as a different sickness. The term “Mutrakrichha ” is related to the Mutravaha-Srotas illnesses. Almost all classical writings describe this illness, reflecting its widespread occurrence in antiquity. It is a bastimarma-related illness. Since the basti is one of the trimarma (the primary three vital organs), it is extremely important in therapy. Acharyas has comprehensively discussed and elaborated on the mutrakriccha and its kind. Ayurvedic Classics generally include Mutrakriccha as one of the diseases when a patient has painful and uncomfortable urination. There are eight main forms of mutrakriccha, each with its own symptoms.
“Mutrakrichhra” is the Sanskrit word for “difficulty and pain throughout micturition. Mutrakrichhra is a general noun made up of the words “Mutra” and “Krichhra.” The words “Mutra” and “Krichhra” are derived from the words “Prasrava,” which means to ooze, and “Kastae,” which denotes pain or discomfort.
Samanya Nidana:
- Sthula Guda, Mushka, Shukravaha Srotas, and Mutravahasrotas all have their offices in Basti Marma.
- Sexual indulgence, eating, and drinking while having a bowel movement all contribute to the vitiation of the mutravaha srotas.
- Additionally, Samanya Nidana refers to the harm done to Mutravahasrotas and those who also experience Dhatu Kshaya as a result of Mutrakrichhra Roga.
Vishit Nidan:
- Anupa Matsya and Mamsa Sevana (ingestion of flesh from creatures living on land and underwater)
- Adhyasana (intake of food before the digestion of a previous meal)
- Ruksha Madhya (habitual intake of alcohol made of dry Dravyas)
- Vyavaya (excessive indulgence in intercourse)
- Durtprishtaaynaat (riding on fast-moving animals)
- The sevana of Aahita Aahara and Vihara is the primary factor in the vitiation of Doshas
Specific etiological variables in Mutrakrichhra cause the Tridosha to become vitiated, either singly or in combination. These vitiated doshas worsening in the basti subsequently hinder the Mutra Vaha Srotas, notably Mutrakrichhra, which result in Mutravikara.
- Dosha – Predominantly Pitta Tridosha
- Dushya – Kleda and Mutra
- Srotas – Mutra Vaha Srotas
- Adhisthana – Mutramarga, Basti
- Vataj : Acute pain in lower abdomen and penis, increased frequency and decreased quantity of urine.
- Pittaj : Burning sensations in the bladder and penis, painful micturition, burning micturition and yellowing of urine.
- Kaphaj : Heaviness in the bladder, testis and penis, sticky, white, oily and cold urination, horripilation and painful micturition.
- Tridoshaj : Burning sensations in the body, rigours, pain in lower abdomen, darkness in front of eyes, multicoloured urine with increased frequency.
- Abhighataj : Acute pain in bladder, distention of bladder and heaviness in the bladder.
- Shakritaj : Flatulence, pain in abdomen, obstruction of urine.
- Ashmarij : Chest pain, pain in lumbar and hypogastric region, tremors in hands and feet and indigestion.
- Shukraj : Semen mixed urine, painful micturition, pain in bladder and penis, stiffness in testis and oedema over testis.
- Snehpan (use of medicated oil internally and externally)
- Sweden (induced sweating)
- Vaman (induced vomiting)
- Virechan (induced purgations)
- Basti (medicated enema)
Ayurvedic pharmaceutical company Planet Ayurveda creates a variety of herbal remedies for different diseases. The company is certified under GMP and exports drugs to other countries. Planet Ayurveda produces all-natural products that have been properly analysed by medical professionals. The company solely uses pure botanicals while making its products. Medicines produce astounding outcomes, provided that the quality of the herbs is properly evaluated before manufacturing any kind of product. The products are also free from any kind of contaminants or adulterants. Here are some product lists for the management of recurrent cystitis from Planet Ayurveda.
- Chandraprabha Vati
- Kanchnaar Guggul
- Rencure Formula
- Mutrakrichantak Churna

Shilajit (Asphalt), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), and many other components are found in this wonderful Planet Ayurveda combination. Urinary tract infections, difficulties urinating, and urinary calculi can all be effectively treated with Chandraprabha vati. Chandraprabha Vati regularly promotes the health of the urinary tract. It could help treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), reduce urinary tract inflammation, and relieve symptoms like peeing that hurts. The herb blend in Chandraprabha Vati is believed to have diuretic and antibacterial properties that may support urinary system wellness. Ayurveda places a great focus on achieving dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) balance in the body for overall health. Chandraprabha Vati is widely used to balance the Vata and Kapha doshas, which are connected to a number of health issues. It aims to restore equilibrium in order to enhance general wellbeing.
Dosage : With lukewarm water, take 1 to 2 pills daily.
This is the classical formulation of Planet Ayurveda having the ingredients like kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Varun bark (Crataeva religiosa), and many others. Ayurvedic medicine called Kanchanar Guggulu is used to treat a variety of illnesses, including hypothyroidism, PCOS, breast lumps, ovarian cysts, and hormonal imbalance. It contains components that support the body’s healthy functioning by acting as anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and decongestant agents. Guggulu possesses antibacterial qualities that aid in the treatment of female urinary tract infections and issues with urine production. It relieves urinary tract discomfort and burning. Additionally, it improves how well the kidneys work. Kanchnar Guggulu treats uterine fibroids and slows lump growth thanks to its antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Dosage : Every day, take 1 to 2 pills with lukewarm water.
This is the preparation by Planet Ayurveda having the ingredients like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), and many others. It is considered as a cleanser which removes toxins from the body. It also prevents the formation of stone. Gokshura in the formulation has a diuretic and soothing effect on urinary tract membranes. The formula eliminates the waste from the body.
Dosage : 1 to 2 capsules taken after meals, twice daily.
It is the herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda having the ingredients like Varun (Crataeva nurvala), Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), and Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata). It is very useful in reducing the inflammation, painful urinary conditions, urinary tract infections etc. This churna is also helpful in kidney stones.
Dosage : With water, mix 1 teaspoon for the best results. Boil 1 teaspoon in 400 ml of water until only 50–60 ml are left. Use a typical tea strainer to filter the preparation before drinking. Use this twice daily for 45 minutes each, 45 minutes after breakfast and 45 minutes after dinner.
Cystitis is a condition that primary care practitioners frequently face. In most cases, the diagnosis and treatment are rather simple. The likelihood of recurrent cystitis makes it harder to handle certain individuals, such as those with structural abnormalities, diabetes, and spinal cord issues. The most recurring issue in routine clinical practice is mutrakrichha. The Tridosha prokopa and Mandagni are the end outcomes of all of Mutrakrichha’s Nidana. Aam production, which starts additional pathogenesis along with Kha-Vaigunya. Ayurvedic therapy principles are mostly based on the Dosha Chikitsa, and Mutrakrichhra is essentially a condition where Pitta predominates. Ayurveda uses medicine, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments to treat and prevent the recurrence of Mutrakrichhra. Planet Ayurveda provides the best remedies and medications to aid recurrent cystitis.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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