Alternative Treatment For Scleritis With Herbal Remedies
The word Sclera comes from the Greek word meaning hard. It forms the posterior 5/6th part of the eye-ball. Tenon’s capsule and Bulbar conjunctiva is the outer covering of the Sclera. The inner surface of the Sclera lies in contact with the choroid. In the anterior part, the sclera encloses the schlemm canal. The sclera comprises three layers: episcleral tissue, sclera proper, and lamina fusca. In this article, we will discuss scleritis i.e inflammation of the sclera w.r.t classical ayurvedic description.
Introduction Of Scleritis
Scleritis is a chronic sight-threatening inflammation of the sclera proper. It is a serious condition that may cause visual impairment characterized by severe pain and redness of the eye. Inflammation of Sclera occurs in two forms which are episcleritis and scleritis. Episcleritis is transient inflammation of superficial layers of the sclera. Scleritis is the chronic inflammation of the sclera that is generally associated with the systematic disease. This condition requires immediate treatment. It can cause blindness by severe complications like scleral and corneal necrosis, keratitis, and uveitis. The immune system is assumed to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of scleritis. Understanding the pathogenesis of scleritis is crucial to improving clinical management, as well as finding the best treatment. Ayurvedic concept based on Tridoshas is also helpful to make a good line of treatment. The sclera is the white part of the eye. When the sclera is swollen, red, tender, or painful (called inflammation), it is called scleritis. It is common for people with scleritis to have another disease, like rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease.
Causes Of Scleritis
- Autoimmune collagen disorders like RA, and SLE.
- Focal hypersensitivity reaction to endogenous toxins.
- Idiopathic.
- Joint swelling and stiffness (arthritis).
- Lupus, or another connective tissue disease.
- Eye infection.
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
- Sjogren’s syndrome (causes very dry eyes and other symptoms).
- Granulomatosis.
- Scleroderma.
- Scleritis may be caused by trauma (injury) to the eye. Rarely, it is caused by a fungus or a parasite.
Classification Of Scleritis
- Anterior Scleritis
- Posterior Scleritis
1. Anterior Scleritis
Inflammation at the front of the eye is more common than in the posterior part. It is evident in various studies that anterior scleritis is more among masses than posterior common posterior scleritis. There are three types of anterior scleritis. The anterior scleritis is of two types- Non-necrotizing and necrotizing scleritis. Non- necrotizing scleritis is diffuse and nodular in types like non-necrotizing scleritis, and diffuse, necrotizing scleritis.
2. Posterior Scleritis
Posterior scleritis is not that prevalent. People with this type of scleritis may feel pain. This form can cause problems resulting in detachment of retina and angle-closure glaucoma. Other autoimmune disease are also associated with scleritis sometimes like rheumatoid arthritis. Overall about 5 percent cases of Sclerites are associated with some connective tissue disease. It is evident in studies that people suffering from connective tissue disorder are also prone towards Scleritis.
Symptoms Of Scleritis
- Severe eye pain (deep and boring in character).
- Ocular pain which radiates to jaw and temple.
- Diffuse redness
- Mild to severe photophobia.
- Lacrimation.
- Redness and swelling of the white part of the eye.
- Blurred vision.
- Tearing.
- Extreme sensitivity to light.
- The pain in the jaw, face, or head. In some cases, people lose some or all of their vision.
- Diminution of vision.
- Involved area is slight raised and pink or salmon pink in colour.
Complications Of Scleritis
- Keratitis (inflammation of cornea)
- Uveitis (form of eye inflammation)
- Cataract (cloudy lens of the eye)
- Glaucoma (group of eye conditions associated with optic nerve damage)
- Scleral perforation (Surgery complication)
- Scleral thinning or staphyloma (circumscribed outpouching of the wall of the globe)
Diagnosis Of Scleritis
- TLC, DLC, and ESR to check the infection.
- Serum levels of complement, immune complexes, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibodies.
- Mantoux test to check the associated body concern.
- Slit lamp test for clinical examination.
- Ultrasonography to check the posterior scleritis.
Treatment Of Scleritis
Scleritis needs to be treated as soon as you notice symptoms to save your vision. Treatment varies depending on the type of scleritis. Treatment can include:
- Corticosteroid pills (medicine to control inflammation)
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin or ibuprofen for pain and inflammation
- Eye solutions or antibiotics
- Immunosuppressive drugs (drugs that weaken the response of the immune system) when the condition is severe
- Topical steroid
An Ayurvedic Aspect Of Scleritis
In Ayurveda Scleritis can be compared with Sirajal. It is mentioned in various ayurvedic texts like Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtang Haridya. We will briefly discuss the Ayurvedic aspect of Scleritis further in this article.
[Reference – Sushrut Uttar Tantra Chapter 4 Shlok number 8]
The Crux of the Shlok states that there is a spread of red-colored hard, large, meshy veins in the whitish part of the eye which is designated as Sirajal (a mesh of veins).
According to Acharya Sushruta, it can be treated in Ayurvedic ways of treatment. According to Ashtang haridya Uttar tantra in Sirajal, there is a big, round-shaped, red-colored, protruded mesh of veins. Which is called Sirajal.
Classical Treatment For Scleritis
According to Acharya Sushruta Chedan Karam (surgical treatment) can be done for the management of Scleritis. The procedure of Chedan Karam is mentioned in Shusruta Uttar tantra chapter 15 shlok number 20 which states that hard veins should be picked with Badish Yantra and should be cut with Mandlagra shastra (circular knife).
Herbal Remedies For Scleritis By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified hub for the management of a variety of modern-day ailments. Ayurvedic treatment for the management of Scleritis is to manage all three doshas. Planet Ayurveda provides the best herbal remedy to treat the aggravated tridoshas. Ayurvedic medicines help to treat the disease from its root cause and maintain a good life. With Ayurvedic medication, the recurrence of this disease is less and there is no such side effect of this herbal remedy. Its products are authentic and naturally extracted from herbs and formulated on the basis of mentioned classical concepts. Following are the herbal remedies by Planet Ayurveda.
- Neem Capsules
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Amalaki Rasayan
- Septrin Tablets
- Panchtiktaghrit Guggul
- Jasnoor Eye Drops
Products Description
1. Neem Capsule
Neem capsule is a well-known herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda. It helps to relieve the Pitta and Kapha aggravation and is beneficial in various skin ailments and allergies as well. It is beneficial to manage the problem of Scleritis due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This formulation is also helpful in the management of skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, itching, and other associated inflammations of the eye as well. Properties of neem include Tikta rasa (bitter in taste), Agnikrut (enhance digestive fire), Kushthara (pacify the skin diseases), and Shramhara (relieve tiredness). The Neem capsule of Planet Ayurveda is best, authentic, and formulated on the principles of Ayurveda.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day.
2. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak rasayan is a mineral formulation of Planet Ayurveda. It is efficient to improve the blood purification and the aggravation of Pitta dosha. It helps in improving digestion and also enhances the efficiency of metabolic activities. Gandhak due to its anti-inflammatory properties helps to manage the inflammation in scleritis. Gandhak Rasayan of Planet Ayurveda is the best, most authentic, and result-oriented formulation to manage the problem of Scleritis.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day.
3. Amalaki Rasayan
The chief ingredient of Amalaki Rasayan is Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis). This formulation is very effective in diseases associated with (fat due to poor metabolism). It helps to reduce the fibroid uterus and helps to reduce intestinal swelling. Amla, as we all know, is rich in Vitamin A hence it will help to increase the strength of the eyes and enable the eyes to get rid of scleritis-like problems. These tablets are very good for various conditions like cancer conditions and also treat lymph node swelling, leprosy, glandular swelling, thyroid disorders, fistula, and other abnormal growth of cells in the body. These tablets are beneficial for draining out the toxins from the body and improving the quality of vision.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily.
4. Septrin Tablets
Septrin tab is a well-known herbomineral product of Planet Ayurveda. As per the name, this herbomineral preparation of Planet Ayurveda helps to pacify the aggravated pitta dosha and helps to manage the condition of excessive pitta. The chief ingredients of the Septrin tablet are Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), and Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum). Due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of the above ingredients, the septrin tab is beneficial to manage the symptoms of Scleritis like fever and irritation.
Dosage: 2 tabs twice a day.
5. Panchtiktaghrit Guggul
Panchtiktaghrita guggul is a classical herbal formulation beneficial in pacifying the Vata and Kapha dosha in the body. Panchtiktaghrita Guggul gives very good results in bronchitis and even tuberculosis. The main ingredients of this herbal medicine are Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), and Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Patola Patra (Trichosanthes Dioica), Kantkari (Solanum xanthocarpum). This herbal formulation is able to manage the irritation, and redness associated with scleritis. These herbs are beneficial for promoting immunity and the overall health of the body.
Dosage: 2 tabs twice daily.
6. Jasnoor Eye Drops
Jasnoor eye drop is a polyherbal formulation known to manage a variety of eye infections and inflammation. The chief ingredients of the Jasnoor eye drops are Amla, Vibhitaki, and many more. These herbs drain out the toxins from the eyes and prevent inflammation like scleritis.
Dosage: 3 drops twice in both eyes.
Scleritis is a common problem these days. In Ayurveda, the condition is considered to have originated due to the Kapha dosha. Though the condition is not life-threatening it can cause serious complications and may cause blindness. So management is necessary as soon as the diagnosis of the condition has been made. Conditions may get worse over time and can ultimately result in disability of the eye. This can be managed with classical ayurvedic herbs. The ayurvedic remedies of PLANET AYURVEDA explained above are the best result- oriented and helpful to manage the problem of scleritis and its complications. These herbal remedies are also helpful to prevent the patients from side effects of steroids and other synthetic molecules.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
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